Frames for 2016 exhibition

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Paul Heester
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Frames for 2016 exhibition

Postby Paul Heester » Wed 25 Nov 2015, 11:32

There was some talk a while back about potentially changing the frames for our annual exhibition. This was due to them suffering from continual wear and tear causing problems when hanging. Has a decision been made yet on whether we continue to use the Ike Ribba frames as per previous years?
Ronald Barker
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Re: Frames for 2016 exhibition

Postby Ronald Barker » Wed 25 Nov 2015, 12:32

We had an exhibition meeting yesterday, Wally is looking into a range of frames from Wessex which should be longer lasting, directly we have the information we will let you know. If the frames you have used to date are ok then you can use them again, but last year a lot of the frames were damaged and twisted those would not be suitable for this year. My recommendation would be to check out your existing frames, and be prepared to renew if necessary.
For new members wishing to enter we will be recommending frames just as soon as wally has the information.
Ronald Barker
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Re: Frames for 2016 exhibition

Postby Ronald Barker » Wed 25 Nov 2015, 14:43

Further to my earlier post, Wally has contacted Wessex, 50 x 40 Black Aluminium frames cost £7.60 plus VAT (£9.12). These frames should provide a much longer lasting frame.
The frames we used before have been the Ikea Ribba 50 x 40 Black frame. These are made from MDF and caused problems particularly with hanging where screwing in the brackets which have split the frame, also the frame warps.
We are suggesting that if you have these frames and are in good condition you can use them, but would recommend changing to the aluminium frames.
If you wish to order Aluminium frames would you please contact Wally so he can collate an order.
Mike Farley
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Re: Frames for 2016 exhibition

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 26 Nov 2015, 08:27

The London region of the RPS uses aluminium frames which cost around £10 each for its exhibitions, but even these are not especially robust and the originals have had to be replaced. It is possible that we will still find ourselves in a renewal cycle.

Were Ikea's black aluminium frames at £8-50 considered?

Are the Wessex frames mandatory if new frames are being purchased? Or can members provide their own black 40 x 50 frames if they wish?

Has anyone physically seen the Wessex frame?

Is there a link to the proposed frames on the Wessex website?

Mike Farley
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Re: Frames for 2016 exhibition

Postby toms » Mon 11 Jan 2016, 13:51

With reference to Mike's post the Wessex frames were the ones that Wally showed at the club last week. The difference between those frames and the Ikea ones so I understand is the way that they are mounted.

Wally states that the Ikea frames use the same wire method as the Ribba frames (e.g. a club that goes onto the side of the backboard with the supplied wire between. He pointed out that the clips can slide up and down. The Wessex frames however have brackets affixed in several places on the backboard suitable for mounting screws or hooks to attach to. Other than that they appear the same.

The hanging system is effectively a vertical wire (plastic) with moveable clips attached which would lock into either the Wessex brackets or the conventional wire of an Ikea frame.

I have raised the query today that because of the vertical aspect of a wire, members who want to display a square panel comprising of both portrait and landscape frames (1 + 1 top and bottom), then they would be out of line (hope that makes sense). Watch this space as we might need some further guidance from the Exhibition Committee on this one.


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Re: Frames for 2016 exhibition

Postby davidb » Mon 11 Jan 2016, 16:15

toms wrote:
I have raised the query today that because of the vertical aspect of a wire, members who want to display a square panel comprising of both portrait and landscape frames (1 + 1 top and bottom), then they would be out of line (hope that makes sense). Watch this space as we might need some further guidance from the Exhibition Committee on this one.Tom

I would suggest that FOUR wires would be needed for the hanging to allow for the offset of this formation.

Top row: P & L
Bottom row: L & P

David A Beard.
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Re: Frames for 2016 exhibition

Postby toms » Tue 12 Jan 2016, 20:03

Hi David,

Yes I agree but to some extent we might have to accept whatever is in place at the café. That might mean that for the display in the café frames might have to be hung inline vertically.

However this should have no bearing on the actual judging as images will be laid out as per the plans supplied by the members.

This issue has only just been noticed and I'm sure that Wally and his team will be looking into it and will come up with a suitable solution even if it's using the extra hanging wires that we have in stock which will fall in line with your suggestion.



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