Photography Location: Kimmeridge Bay

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Photography Location: Kimmeridge Bay

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 21 Dec 2015, 08:14

Amateur Photographer has another coastal location in its series of guides of spots around the country, this time Kimmeridge in Dorset. I can vouch from personal experience that this is a superb spot when conditions are right. What the article does not properly state are the possibilities for different images depending on which direction you take on leaving the car. Head west you will find the rock ledges which are mentioned, but head east around the headland where Clavell Tower stands there are the the remains of a pier which make for good foreground interest. While it was not there when I visited, I think that is where the Gormley statue is located. It is a spot which merits several trips as there is so much there you will not be able to do it justice in one visit. The club is considering taking its next holiday in Dorset and Kimmeridge should definitely be on the list of places to go. ... -bay-66811

One tip is not to pack up when the sun sets as the rays from the sun can light up the sky for a long time from below the horizon. The shot below is of the ruined pier and was a 30 second exposure at ISO 200 taken in virtual darkness around 45 minutes to an hour after the sun had disappeared from view.


Clavell Tower can also be incorporated into compositions.


Mike Farley
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Paul Heester
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Re: Photography Location: Kimmeridge Bay

Postby Paul Heester » Mon 21 Dec 2015, 17:47

I visited in June this year and can attest that its a great location.

I stayed until well after dusk hoping to get some milky way images over the tower. I was the only car in the carpark close to 10pm then I saw a lone car drive down the road towards me. Was a bit apprehensive considering I was standing in the dark next to the tripod. Then a voice shouts out that the carpark is closing and I need to leave, it was the National Trust man closing the gate further up the road! Very grateful I wasnt locked in that night :)

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