Thanks, Keith. Coincidentally, the latest issue of Digital Photo magazine (issue 202, January 2016) features a number of articles about HDR and from a quick glance appears to cover the topic comprehensively. There is also a free download of a "special" plugin edition of the Photomatix software iwhich will work with Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. It is described as being an "Essentials" version, so I would expect it to be lacking some of the more advanced features which are only available by purchasing the full programme. would also add that the HDR function in the latest version of Lightroom (6/CC) will work with just two captures, one under exposed and the other over exposed. According to Adobe there is no need for a third capture at the metered exposure. It produces a new image in DNG format with natural tones which can be processed just like any other Raw file. ... w--2015-04