Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC/6.2 Updates

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Mike Farley
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Re: Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC/6.2 Updates

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 18 Oct 2015, 22:59

The old Lightroom Import process is being restored in the next update according to this Adobe blog entry. ... pdate.html

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Re: Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC/6.2 Updates

Postby davidc » Mon 19 Oct 2015, 03:21

Hmm I think it's a bit of an overreaction. I've no special love for Adobe and mistakes do happen. As you say acknowledging it, fixing it and rolling back the import tool to the old version is a good sign - remember there really aren't any other meaningful competitors out there so Adobe didn't have to do anything at all. If anything, it's those people who dive right in and upgrade immediately who need to take a look at what they are doing, fool me once... ;) If you use lightroom for business then why the hell did you upgrade immediately without having some kind of backup in place?

It's a simple fact that we're now using much more software in our daily lives, much more frequently and we always forget the times where it works flawlessly. Take flickr for example, they update their live website 10 times a day with no problem. Facebook even more so. Honestly I think people need to tone down their over-indulgent sense of entitlement :D

The import function of Lightroom is not exactly "mission-critical" - had they released botched code to Dungeness nuclear reactor I'd agree some kind of outrage would be appropriate ;)

I'm not referring to you personally here, though I suppose it's partly appropriate. Really, you are not a shadow of the people commenting online! Never has #FirstWorldProblems been more apt! :)
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Re: Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC/6.2 Updates

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 19 Oct 2015, 08:06

Hmmm. While I agree that a botched Lightroom update is fairly low in the list things to worry about, the fact remains that Adobe is providing a service for which it expects its subscribers to pay. That it has such a large proportion of the market allows it to go about its business in a manner which does not always seem to be entirely professional. It does not have to be that way, which is all I have ever said. I do not believe that is an overreaction, which is more than I can say about your last post. If a credible competitor were to appear and its revenues were threatened, it would would be forced to sharpen up its act or risk being taken over.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
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Re: Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC/6.2 Updates

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 17 Nov 2015, 14:53

I have just seen that an update to Lightroom has become available which includes, among other changes, a reversion to the old import process. That's a shame, as the revised one had a lot to recommend it. If only Adobe had not removed some of the functionality, I am sure that the new interface would have been much better received.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
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Re: Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC/6.2 Updates

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 17 Nov 2015, 14:54

I have just seen that an update to Lightroom has become available which includes, among other changes, a reversion to the old import process. That's a shame, as the revised one had a lot to recommend it. If only Adobe had not removed some of the functionality, I am sure that the new interface would have been much better received.

Mike Farley
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