Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby davidb » Mon 12 Oct 2015, 00:29

Iggy's post should have been a new subject. However, as he's using an old one ...

My certificate winning entry was forwarded to Ashley last Thursday although he doesn't seem to have started any galleries for 2015/16.
SITTING ON THE FENCE.JPG (498.97 KiB) Viewed 2311 times

David A Beard.
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Iggy » Mon 12 Oct 2015, 08:41

Hi David,
Lovely award winning image in the 1st Print Competition of the year. Thanks for forwarding to Ashley and also sharing here.

Decided to stay with the same subject as it also covers the Monochrome Print Competition award winning images for display in the Club Competition Galleries, where if I remember correctly you also had award winning prints!

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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby davidb » Mon 12 Oct 2015, 13:53

Iggy wrote:Hi David,
Decided to stay with the same subject as it also covers the Monochrome Print Competition award winning images for display in the Club Competition Galleries, where if I remember correctly you also had award winning prints!


Sorry Iggy, but the best I got for the Bamber Competition was 9. It should have been 12, 12, 12 but you cannot account for judges taste :lol: :lol:

I have got a batch of prints awaiting mounting for the next round in November. I've sent of some images to ProAm (taking advantage of their 25% discount) - some are new, most are old (tweaked) - and should arrive tomorrow (Tuesday).
Last edited by davidb on Mon 12 Oct 2015, 23:23, edited 1 time in total.

David A Beard.
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Iggy » Mon 12 Oct 2015, 17:41

With the Monochromes I think it must have been Paul H & Graham L among others that took the honours.

David, if you want to borrow my Logan 350 cutter let me know.
I am not storing used images in mounts. Carefully removing images and then reusing mounts and norbord at least 3 times.

I may get a dozen more images printed by ProAm (25% discount on orders of £25 until 31/10/15) before the end of the month if any one else want to share postage.


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