PAGB panel results

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Paul Heester
Posts: 622
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PAGB panel results

Postby Paul Heester » Tue 18 Aug 2015, 08:23

Seen some recent posts regarding the scores from the Ormskirk PAGB awards.

You can see the postings on the unofficial PAGB facebook site plus there is a separate post here - http://teamoweddingphotography.zenfolio ... pagb-panel

Good to get an idea of the standard required for a CPAGB.
Mike Farley
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Re: PAGB panel results

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 18 Aug 2015, 10:11

Thanks, Paul. Admittedly it is difficult to tell from low quality JPEGs and the few panels which have been posted, but the standard of photography does not seem to be much different between the C and D levels. This is probably another instance when it would have been helpful to have been at last May's workshop in order to see first hand what distinguishes one from the other.

Mike Farley
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Re: PAGB panel results

Postby toms » Mon 24 Aug 2015, 10:00

Well done Paul. Very useful and combined with our experiences earlier this year we should have a reasonable idea as to the quality of images that the PAGB are looking for. Remember they only look at images for about 5 seconds so the initial impact is paramount.

This is something that the club should be looking towards for 2017.



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