That lead to this quote which appears halfway through in the Final Thoughts section:
"It’s getting harder and harder to differentiate between lenses and even cameras these days. There are so many excellent options for photographers. The more Michael and I work with all these different systems, the more we realize that we are only quibbling about small stuff when it comes to what is better or not. Today it is more about what you the photographer needs and what works best for the type of photography you do. Just about any camera, whether it be from Sony, Olympus, Fuji, Samsung and even Nikon and Canon, will deliver the goods. You need to make the choices about what delivers final print size, the weight of the camera, the feel of the camera when working with it and possibly even the glass and system you presently own."
Wise words, although I wish that there were one system which encompasses all my requirements rather than the mix and match approach I have to take at the moment. ... t-cameras/