Being Right

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Being Right

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 09 Apr 2015, 08:44

A blog I follow regularly is Mike Johnston's The Online Photographer. It has been a bit variable of late as MJ has a number of distractions, the principle one being a lady referred to only as "S" who lives many hundreds of miles away in a different part of the US. Nevertheless, I find it worthwhile keeping an eye on the blog as you never know what is going to come up.

One of the more recent posts was not by MJ himself, but by a friend of his who rejoices in the full legal name of Ctein (which I believe is pronounced "kuh-tine"). The article was about Ctein not getting results he liked from a particular type of camera, which itself was a response to MJ writing about his experiences shooting with an iPhone. Ctein's article struck a chord with many but also set off the dogs of the Internet in real earnest, you know the type. The outcome has been a wonderful response nominally about camera anxiety from MJ which I offer here as a philosophical approach to photography, life, the universe and everything.* ... rt-ii.html

Some background.

MJ's original article about iPhone photography - ... -more.html

Ctein's response - ... tting.html

Part 1 of MJ's camera anxiety article - ... xiety.html

* Maybe some slight hyperbole and definitely way too long an article for the attention challenged, but still well worth reading IMHO.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog -

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