Not Much Photography Recently

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Not Much Photography Recently

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 04 Apr 2015, 11:05

I have to admit that I have not been very active with my photography recently. Partly the dull weather and cold wind has not encouraged me to venture out much, but also since coming back from The Photography I have gone down with something which seems to be doing the rounds at present. I called it a "stupid bug", partly because all it did was to make me listless and below par for a couple of weeks and partly because that is how it made me feel.* For the first few days I only functioned at any level at all due to liberal libations of Lemsip.** During that period, I did a talk at a local camera club and struggled to impart any form of zest. Sorry for giving such a flat performance, guys.

One way I have attempted to get around the lack of motivation was by doing some flower shots, which was useful as it allowed me to experiment with post capture processing, but is not really what I want to be doing all the time. In fact, I have not published anything from the last session as I was not entirely happy with the way the shots turned out, but maybe I will revisit them just in case. Time now to get re-energised and get out there for some more shots. Oh, and some more inspiring weather would not go amiss, either.

*Yes, I know, there is an obvious riposte to that remark, so if you want to play cheeky chappie funny guy to my straight man, be my guest. :mrgreen:

** Thank goodness for paracetemol. How did people manage before it existed?

Mike Farley
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Re: Not Much Photography Recently

Postby Rose » Sat 04 Apr 2015, 12:45

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather Mike :( There's definitely a nasty bug doing the rounds. I had to take a few days sick leave last week myself and spent most of the time in bed. Most unlike me. We flew to Barcelona on Monday though and obviously the sunshine here has done me good :) We've had a great week and I've taken quite a few photos - the usual architectural sights of course, but I have especially enjoyed wandering the streets with my camera. I am so impressed with the low light / high ISO capability of the 5Dm3 at night ! I know I'm getting shots that would have been impossible with the 5Dm2. So far I've only done basic processing of a small selection of images on my iPad using PSExpress but I'm looking forward to getting them into LR when I get home later today.
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Not Much Photography Recently

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 05 Apr 2015, 10:45

Hi Rose

Sorry to hear that you have also been unwell. I have heard a number of similar stories of late, so there is some form of unpleasant lurgie out there for sure.

Good to know that the 5DIII is performing well and that you enjoyed the trip to Barcelona. It would be great if you were to share some pics.

My low light strategy is usually to shoot a fastish lens more or less wide open. Provided that there is some form of illumination around, it is possible to keep the ISO reasonably low. This was taken shortly after sunset and the exposure was 1/60 @ f/2, ISO 640.
Surrey Street Market at Dusk.jpg
Surrey Street Market at Dusk
Surrey Street Market at Dusk.jpg (137.02 KiB) Viewed 518 times

Mike Farley
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Posts: 806
Joined: Sun 16 Sep 2012, 18:09

Re: Not Much Photography Recently

Postby Rose » Sun 05 Apr 2015, 11:53

Just starting to download into LR as we speak ! I'll share some photos later.

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