New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

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New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Rose » Tue 10 Mar 2015, 16:44

Interesting development... good for sending images to a tablet that doesn't take a SD card (mentioning no particular fruit ;) ).
Mike Farley
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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 10 Mar 2015, 18:26


A couple of things.

Firstly, using Administrator privileges, I corrected your entry so that the hyperlink is active. For some reason whenever you post a link the opening square bracket for the closing [/url] tag goes AWOL and only shows /url], which means that address is not recognised as a link. Secondly, having sorted out the syntax, it looks as though the article has been withdrawn as the link is returning a 404 and there is no sign of it on the website.

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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Rose » Tue 10 Mar 2015, 20:37

Thanks Mike - I've no dea why the hyperlinks don't work for me... :x :x
And I wonder why the article has disappeared ??!
Mike Farley
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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 10 Mar 2015, 23:32

There are a couple of ways to do it.

One way is to click on the URL command, then position the cursor between the two innermost square brackets and paste the URL.

Alternatively, paste the URL, highlight it and then click on URL.

If you use the preview command, you can easily see if it has worked as the URL is shown in blue and is clickable.

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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Rose » Wed 11 Mar 2015, 08:28

I always do it the first way you describe... Wonder why it doesn't work?
Will try the second method next time...;)
Mike Farley
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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 11 Mar 2015, 08:56

Rose wrote:I always do it the first way you describe... Wonder why it doesn't work?

Maybe you are inadvertently highlighting the second of the brackets and it gets overwritten when you paste?

Mike Farley
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Peter Boughton
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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Peter Boughton » Thu 12 Mar 2015, 00:45

Google has a cached version of the article: ... en&ct=clnk

The cached version of the article claims the prices aren't available yet, but the EyeFi online store shows what looks to be the same product for $99 - maybe they pulled the article so they can rewrite it or something?

By the way, that first link doesn't use the [url] tags - when a URL starts with the protocol (i.e. http or https) then the software can automatically detect it and make it into a link without needing the tags. You need the tags if it's just "" or similar - i.e. no http protocol (or you want the link text to not be the URL).

Also, you can use the Preview button to check how things will display before posting.
Mike Farley
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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 12 Mar 2015, 14:05

Peter Boughton wrote:Google has a cached version of the article: ... en&ct=clnk

The cached version of the article claims the prices aren't available yet, but the EyeFi online store shows what looks to be the same product for $99 - maybe they pulled the article so they can rewrite it or something?

As you say, strange that the article was pulled. It is not even as if the Raw transfer is an as yet unannounced feature as it is shown on the eyefi complete with price.

Peter Boughton wrote:
By the way, that first link doesn't use the [url] tags - when a URL starts with the protocol (i.e. http or https) then the software can automatically detect it and make it into a link without needing the tags. You need the tags if it's just "" or similar - i.e. no http protocol (or you want the link text to not be the URL).

Yes, I can see that a full URL works automatically, although Rose was using the URL tag anyway. My Firefox browser displays truncated URLs by default, even if the bookmark includes the http/s bit, so use of the tag is usually necessary. It is a pity that the forum software does not recognise the shorter form. Maybe we can get our money back? Wait, it's open source and free. Great, that means a refund in full. ;)

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 13 Mar 2015, 08:32

The article has reappeared at The Pholographer, but with yesterday's date. Maybe there was an official launch date and the website got ahead of itself? ... our-phone/

I see that yesterday DPReview also published a piece about the card, which suggests that press releases were sent out a few days early with an embargo so that reports could be prepared in advance. If that was the case, it does not explain why eyefi apparently ignored its own directive. :? ... w-transfer

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Re: New EyeFi Mobi Pro Can Send RAW Images

Postby Rose » Fri 13 Mar 2015, 10:12

Yes I spotted that too ! Oops LOL :o :shock:

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