SLF Finals Day - Call for individual Entries

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

SLF Finals Day - Call for individual Entries

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 16 Feb 2020, 11:41

SLF Finals Day is on Saturday, 25 April and is the culmination of the the events SLF is holding this season. As the name suggests, it is when the finals of the main PDI, Colour Print and Mono Print competitions take place. I am pleased to say that Croydon CC will feature in the last of these, having won our semi-final last week. In addition, there are further competitions to find the best image which received a certificate in the earlier rounds of the various competitions. In other words, the best of the best. With five certificated images in our mono print panel, the members concerned all have the opportunity to win a trophy.

Finally, there are individual competitions for each of the three categories, with the winners holding the relevant trophy for a year. Every club member is entitled to enter up to two images in each section. The only stipulation being that the work must either be new to the SLF, i.e. not previously entered in an open competition, or not have received a certificate if it has already been included in a SLF club panel. Subject to there being sufficient space, those not selected as winners or for commendation will be displayed in an exhibition on Finals Day.. Entry to the competitions is free, with tickets for admission to Finals Day being priced at £5.

Submission of individual entries is via PhotoEntry, where there are three competitions set up for the purpose:

  • Jack's Jug - SLF PDI 2020
  • Punch Bowl - SLF Colour Prints 2020
  • Retina Cup - SLF Monochrome Prints 2020
Image requirements are exactly the same as for club competitions, i.e. a maximum of 1400 (width) x 1050 (height) and sRGB colour space. Entries close at midnight on 24 February. Those entering prints should bring them to the club meeting on 26 February and the club will forward them to the SLF for judging.

Anyone who has a certificated images need take no action as the club already has the prints in readiness for the final as well as the digital versions.

Link to PhotoEntry:

Link to PhotoEntry instructions: ... idance.pdf

Good luck!

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: SLF Finals Day - Call for individual Entries

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 16 Feb 2020, 21:39

Thanks to advice received from Jack, I have amended the eligibility criteria for entries submitted to the open competitions. Images used in a club panel can be submitted provided they have not won a certificate.

Mike Farley
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Re: SLF Finals Day - Call for individual Entries

Postby Iggy » Tue 18 Feb 2020, 17:07

Hi Mike,
I have put in my entry of six images via PhotoEntry.
Are there any forms to fill?
What details should the back of the print images carry? Image title, Colour/ Monochrome, Member's Name, Croydon Camera Club?
I will bring mounted prints to the club on 26 Feb 2020.
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: SLF Finals Day - Call for individual Entries

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 18 Feb 2020, 19:42

Iggy wrote:Are there any forms to fill?
What details should the back of the print images carry? Image title, Colour/ Monochrome, Member's Name, Croydon Camera Club?

Doh, all that time spent writing the post and I still managed to miss out some vital information. :(

So far as I know, there are no forms to complete since that is all taken care of by PhotoEntry and DiCentra which produce everything which is required. If that is not correct, I will post an addendum in a separate post.

The following is a copy and paste from the details sent by the SLF, apart from the bit in italics which is my own comment and the additional information at the bottom of this post:

Open Competitions - this year, to encourage wide participation, there will be no fees to enter the Open Competitions. Up to two entries per author per competition.
Please note that the re-use of images in more than one discipline in the Open Competitions is not allowed.*
If we have more print entries than we can display in the exhibition, we will try to display the first print from each entrant in each competition.** Digital files of any prints we cannot display in the exhibition will be displayed in a slideshow.

Information re Prints:
• All prints must be on 40 x 50 cm mounts. They must be mounted with a backing board and there must be nothing on them that might damage other work - please use mounting tape (not masking tape!)
• All prints must have the Print Title, Author, Club and Club Reference Letter*** clearly marked on the back
• A digital file (1400 x 1050 pixel resolution) must accompany ALL prints, including those in the Inter-club Finals & Certificate Winners Competitions. If the author is unable to provide a digital file of a print, the Club Coordinator should photograph the print and submit the resulting file

Note: Any prints not conforming to the above will not be accepted.

All PDIs to be submitted in 1400 x 1050 pixel resolution. (and sRGB colour space)

* Note also the previously mentioned rule that images used in a club panel and which have received a certificate cannot be submitted into the Open Competition. Nor can images previously entered into the Open Competition be re-used. The SLF will check. You can trust me on that!

** If you have a preference as to which print should be displayed, ensure that it is the first one in the images you submit via PhotoEntry.

*** Croydon's letter code is "E".

Mike Farley
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Steve B
Posts: 127
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Re: SLF Finals Day - Call for individual Entries

Postby Steve B » Tue 18 Feb 2020, 21:35


Could I clarify that new images entered into an SLF open competition this year could be reused in a club panel in a subsequent year (and, indeed, would still count as new work for CCC competitions)? For example, I am tempted to put in a DPI from my Finland trip but wouldn't wish to prevent re-use of the image next season.

Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: SLF Finals Day - Call for individual Entries

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 18 Feb 2020, 22:12

Hi Steve

I can confirm that there is no connection between club and SLF competitions. Your image from Finland would count as new work in both. I would add that most club competitions do not require new work, just the Monchrome (Bamber), Nature (David Eaves) and Panel (Master) trophies. Images entered in those competitions can be re-used subsequently in the monthly contests and the exhibition.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog -

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