Is 6 The Limit?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Is 6 The Limit?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 04 Sep 2019, 08:18

One of the last film SLRs to be manufactured was the Nikon F6. It represents one of the best examples of the ultimate development of film based cameras. Maybe the best. Who knows? It is a subjective topic. Amazingly, it can still be purchased new, although I could not find any UK vendors. ... focus.html

Now Nikon has just announced that it is developing the D6 DSLR which will be launched in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Both Canon and Nikon traditionally have new pro spec models to coincide with the Games. Perhaps Sony will join in this time as well? ... -f2-8-lens

It begs the question whether DSLRs will be predominant in 2024? Or is this their last hurrah and mirrorless will be the norm for professional users by then? More intriguingly, the F6 dates back to 2004. Will the D6 still be sold new in 2036? Somehow, with the rapid churn of digital models, I doubt it.

Mike Farley
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Re: Is 6 The Limit?

Postby Franke07 » Wed 04 Sep 2019, 15:15

I would agree with you regarding the DSLR longevity, I think we are seeing the same conversation now as when Digital started to enter the film territory in terms of resolution quality! As you say it is only a matter of time before Mirror-less becomes the dominant body type even for professionals. who knows what the mirror-less will look like in the next 8 years! My next investment will be in a Sony, although I do have a soft spot for Nikon!
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
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Re: Is 6 The Limit?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 04 Sep 2019, 16:36

As you say, Frank, we are witnessing another transition in photography similar to when digital first emerged as a serious contender to film. It is a challenge for both Canon and Nikon as they are still reliant on DSLR based products. Sony, on the other hand, was not so invested and has been concentrating on its mirrorless models for some years. Compared to Canon and Nikon, it currently has the most mature system. Will we still see the same order when the dust settles or will Sony have stolen a march?

Personally, I have not bought any DSLR kit for years. After a flirtation with m43, I finally settled on Fuji. For me, APS-C hits the sweet spot and I am not too concerned about having full frame. That said, I do own a Sony A7 II but use it solely for adapted lenses which I prefer to shoot at their native focal length. I do not own any E-mount lenses.

Mike Farley
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