Do You Have What It Takes?

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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Thu 17 May 2018, 22:00

I am looking forward to watching the new series later this year.

Sky Arts - Master of Photography 3 - starts on Tuesday 29 May 2018, 8 pm!!!

Check out the contestants and their submitted images:
19 year old
50 year old Wayne from UK

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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Fri 29 Jun 2018, 20:04

I have been playing catch up with the current Master of Photography. There are 2 British Contestant in a total of 10.
I have watched 3 of the 8 programmes and am quite enjoying it although the tasks are rather hard and consequently the images suffer.

The last one I watched “White Landscape” is set in the Alps in Northern Italy, where each of the remaining 8 contestants is paired with a guide and have to capture the wilderness. No ski lift, so have to walk in the snow. Rough terrain, very cold, changing light, low visibility, white balance, etc are some of the problems to overcome.

A female contestant, Frederica, who took a large mirror (???) with her produced an interesting image which was judged as one of the two better images.

Danyelle Rolla, one of the British contestant produced a rather poor image by photographing 3 other images of conifers with reflections of snow. She was eliminated, leaving 7 contestants to fight on.

More tough challenges to come.

Anyone else watching?
Posts: 1215
Joined: Thu 09 Apr 2015, 09:48

Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Thu 19 Jul 2018, 18:16

Found out last night that a few CCC members were watching the series too.

The tasks set this year are probably harder than last year.
They ranged from Seven Deadly Sins with a different one for each of the then 7 remaining contestants, then Gender Identity for 6, and World Strongest People for 5.
Throughout the series the contestants seem to fail to grasp the aim of the task and do badly, resulting in a fair amount of criticism.

A British contestant, Wayne Crichlow, is one of the 4 contestants in the penultimate round 7, where the topic is Home Sweet Home. The photographers head home where they must take pictures depicting their life and the places that are familiar to them, as well as a self-portrait.

Federica Belli does well with her set of photographs

Wayne shooting in London makes it to the final as the judges like two of his three images.

Just the final episode to watch now.

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