Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Iggy » Sun 26 Nov 2017, 21:13

Iggy said
PS: I guess I should also download Google's Nik Collection too on both my laptop and my desktop.

Thanks David and Mike.
I have Windows 7 on both laptop and desktop.
I used to have a legal copy of Photoshop 3 on my laptop, but about a year ago it suddenly stopped working and told me to go to Adobe but I can not remember what happened. I have now found my legal CD and code key. I was having problems with low disk space on the C drive but with advise from Keith, I found the hidden folder that contains downloads and deleted a pile of those giving me loads of space on drive C. I will try loading Photoshop 3 again from CD.
On the desktop, I need to load LightRoom 6 that arrived today.

Then I am ready to try Nik tools after using Photoshop and LightRoom at least once.

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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Iggy » Sun 26 Nov 2017, 21:59

Mike said
I cancelled my order for Lightroom 6

Hi Mike,
Thanks for your post.
I did see your previous posts above.
I never had LightRoom before and I am not willing to pay for the new LR by yearly subscription.
I run with Windows 7 and if I had not bought LR now, I might never do.
Waiting to see what happens with other companies would set me back another year with my photography.

Hence I took the plunge and hope my AIO Desktop and LR6 with PS6 stand me in good stead for the next 4 to 5 years.
Wishful thinking I guess, but we will see.

Best wishes,
Mike Farley
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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 27 Nov 2017, 08:12

Hi Iggy

As I said, our circumstances are different and there is not a one solution fits all strategy here. I just wanted to be sure you were aware of all the facts. In that spirit, you might want to know that Windows 7 support ends in 2020, before the end of your 4 - 5 year timeframe. However, although the free upgrade to Windows 10 has officially ended, there are still ways to do it. More information at the link below.

http://www.zdnet.com/article/heres-how- ... 0-upgrade/

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)
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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Iggy » Mon 27 Nov 2017, 09:49

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the feedback.
How does Photoshop 6 and Lightroom 6 works with Win 10 as oposed to Win 7?
Mike Farley
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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 27 Nov 2017, 10:26

Iggy wrote:How does Photoshop 6 and Lightroom 6 works with Win 10 as oposed to Win 7?

They should be OK. As ever, Google is your friend when asking this type of question. I am running Lightroom CC (the pre Classic version) OK and the code is essentially similar. I cannot vouch for PS6, which I assume is not CS6 and would make it quite an old piece of software. You might be better off getting a more recent version of Elements as PS6 functionality is likely to be fairly limited.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)
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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Iggy » Sun 01 Jul 2018, 23:37

I was surprised to see that Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6, Creative Photo Management and Editing Software for Mac & PC on DVD is still available for the one time payment of £119.99 at John Lewis

I and others recently attended a whole day LightRoom tutorial kindly led by Mike Farley and found that it is easy to pick up with practice.

It is a powerful tool worth acquiring for a one time payment compared to paying an equivalent subscription every year ad infinitum.

Mike Farley
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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 02 Jul 2018, 07:57

Iggy wrote:I and others recently attended a whole day LightRoom tutorial kindly led by Mike Farley and found that it is easy to pick up with practice.

I am pleased to know that you found the session useful, Iggy.

Iggy wrote:It is a powerful tool worth acquiring for a one time payment compared to paying an equivalent subscription every year ad infinitum.

It is not quite as straightforward as that. The subscription price also includes Photoshop CC and updates from Adobe. LR6 will not support the latest cameras and OS updates could mean that some or all functions cease working. See the link below for an example.

https://www.lightroomqueen.com/lightroo ... atibility/

Adobe's decision to go down the subscription only route is regrettable from a customer viewpoint, but so far it has proved very profitable for the company. Time will tell whether that can be sustained or if a competitor can come up with an equally compelling product available on a perpetual licence. Since I tended to take most Lightroom and Photoshop updates, my annual outlay is not much different to what it was previously.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)
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Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Iggy » Mon 02 Jul 2018, 15:01

Hi Mike,
I accept all the points you have raised.

I only bought LightRoom 6 because it was available for a one time payment of £120 last November and would never be willing to pay £1000 + over 10 years for it.
Thankfully you kindly alerted us to that special deal. Then you kindly held an all day LightRoom workshop at your home a few weeks ago that encouraged me to download the LightRoom 6 to my desktop and laptop too which the DVD version permits. I know a few of the LR basics but need to spend much more time working with it.

I will be happy to use LightRoom 6 for several years without updates to try and enhance some images.
I also have Photoshop 6 purchased 3 or 4 years ago and am using it without updates.

Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Why Buy Lightroom 6 Now?

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 02 Jul 2018, 15:54

Iggy wrote:I will be happy to use LightRoom 6 for several years without updates to try and enhance some images.
I also have Photoshop 6 purchased 3 or 4 years ago and am using it without updates.

Hi Iggy

There are no right or wrong outcomes here and everyone will need to find the solution which works best for them. If Adobe has written the code correctly, there is no reason why LR6 and PS6 should not function for as long as you wish (although that does not seem to have been the experience for some of those using LR5 and earlier versions). Even if that period is just a few years, you will still be ahead financially. And by the time you are already to move on, there might be a viable alternative anyway. You need to be aware that if you buy a new camera which was released after support for LR6 finished, the Raw files will be incompatible. The solution is to convert them to DNG format first using the free Adobe Raw conversion tool. It is another step in the workflow and you will have to decide whether to discard the original Raw files or increase disk space utilisation by retaining them.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)

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