iPhone X - Good for portraits or Is it all hype?

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iPhone X - Good for portraits or Is it all hype?

Postby Iggy » Sun 11 Mar 2018, 22:50

I have been seeing a lot of promotions on TV about the iPhone X being wonderful for portraits.
Is it all hype?




By the way, Is there some equivalent free software to remove the distracting background from a camera shot at the touch of a button that I could use?
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Re: iPhone X - Good for portraits or Is it all hype?

Postby davidb » Mon 12 Mar 2018, 02:05

If I was looking for a new mobile I would seriously look at Apple's iPhone X - because I'm a certified Apple nut :oops:

There are, however, other phone's out there - for instance the Samsung 9. And they all claim to be the "Second Coming" of mobile phones.

You pay's your money and take your choice :lol:

I don't use an iPhone to do serious photography but there are photographers who do and come back with some excellent pictures.

David A Beard.
Mike Farley
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Re: iPhone X - Good for portraits or Is it all hype?

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 12 Mar 2018, 08:15

Iggy wrote:By the way, Is there some equivalent free software to remove the distracting background from a camera shot at the touch of a button that I could use?

I do not believe that it replicates the Apple functionality, but the closest I can find is this:


It might only be a better of time before the open source community does its own take on Apple's innovation. As for being hype, I would not know. I expect someone, somewhere has already come up with their own views.

While I have no interest in an overpriced mobile phone, there is one feature of the iPhone X which I have found impressive. There are currently adverts on the London tube of selfies take with it. These are full size posters, yet show no indication of being taken with a camera which has just 12 MP. OK, viewing distance is a factor and being placed opposite the platform, no one is going to cross over the tracks to pixel peep. It does make me wonder about those people who say that they absolutely have to use a 100 MP camera to obtain the image quality they require.

Mike Farley
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Re: iPhone X - Good for portraits or Is it all hype?

Postby Rose » Mon 12 Mar 2018, 09:35

One of our camera club members won a print competition last year with this image taken on her iPhone 5....

http://www.midsomersetcameraclub.org.uk ... -2017.html
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Re: iPhone X - Good for portraits or Is it all hype?

Postby Iggy » Mon 12 Mar 2018, 12:50

I do not believe that it replicates the Apple functionality, but the closest I can find is this: http://pho.to

Thanks Mike.
I will need to investigate it further.
I have a Samsung phone which I think it would work on, but I want something that works on my Desktop.
Will need to check out the price too.

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