Fuji X-Trans Sensor "Myths"

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Fuji X-Trans Sensor "Myths"

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 04 Feb 2018, 08:43

Fuji has long done it differently when it comes to sensors. Its S series of cameras from a few years ago had a design which was intended to increase dynamic range and the majority of its X series models have the unique X-Trans sensor. That has proved controversial and some have doubted whether there are any real advantages compared to the standard Bayer sensor layout adopted by the majority of manufacturers. Worse, there are claims that the X-Trans sensor does not perform as well and introduces its own problems.

Users need to make up their own minds, of course. Personally, I have always liked the results which I obtain from the cameras. On PetaPixel there is an article which sets out to debunk the "myths" surrounding X-Trans. Of particular interest to Fuji users is the section on capture sharpening, which is the main reason why I have created this post. The link to the PetaPixel article is below.

https://petapixel.com/2018/02/02/debunk ... ns-sensor/

I have heard that in Lightroom when using the Detail slider for sharpening, less adjustment is required for the latest X-Trans III sensor in the current models. Pete Bridgwood says that a setting of 60 is the optimum whereas he recommends the maximum value of 100 for older cameras. Not having one of the latest models, that is not something on which I can comment. Whatever camera is used, regardless of brand, any recommended setting should be a starting point and people should work out what works best for them.

Link to Pete Bridwood's article (look for the October 2107 addendum for the X-Trans III update): http://petebridgwood.com/wp/2014/10/x-trans-sharpening/

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)

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