Do You Have What It Takes?

General discussion and anything that isn't covered by the other categories.
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Sat 14 Oct 2017, 10:31

Mike said:
No doubt a number of us handsome, old devils applied but were not accepted.

Just wondering if it possible to overcome this age discrimination or is it an insurmountable obstacle?

Been wading through the Master of Photography second series and just saw number 5 where they visit paralymians in various cities. Starting point for their journey was Rome, suggesting that Rome is the home base for this show. Does that mean being away from London for at least four weeks? Another obstacle to consider?
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Sat 14 Oct 2017, 10:45

Mike said:
No doubt a number of us handsome, old devils applied but were not accepted.

Just wondering if it possible to overcome this age discrimination or is it an insurmountable obstacle?

Been wading through the Master of Photography second series and just saw number 5 where contestants visit paralympians in various cities. Starting point for their journey was Rome, suggesting that Rome is the home base for this show. Does that mean being away from London for up to four weeks? Another obstacle to consider?
Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 14 Oct 2017, 19:42

Iggy wrote:Just wondering if it possible to overcome this age discrimination or is it an insurmountable obstacle?

Age discrimination is illegal in the UK, but I am not sure that it applies to reality TV shows. I cannot find any T & Cs on the MOP website, but a contract of employment would need to be on offer. Doubtless the successful applicants will have to sign something to commit them to the show but they are competing for a prize, not participating for assured financial reward or other benefit. ... ality-act/

Incidentally, the programme's title could be considered sexist. ;)

That said, I cannot think of a gender neutral term. Moreover, while the winner of the first series was male, last time a female photogreapher got the nod.

Iggy wrote:Been wading through the Master of Photography second series and just saw number 5 where contestants visit paralympians in various cities. Starting point for their journey was Rome, suggesting that Rome is the home base for this show. Does that mean being away from London for up to four weeks? Another obstacle to consider?

I will break this to you as kindly as I can. None of the concerns you have raised are likely to be an issue. It is great that you are considering an application and just going through the process will get you thinking about yourself and your photography. In itself, that will be a learning experience from which you will benefit. If you do get through the selection process, where you will be in competition with some talented individuals who have an extensive background in photography, that is the time to consider whether you want to be based in Rome for four weeks. You do not have to accept Sky Art's offer to participate. :o

Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Wed 01 Nov 2017, 14:24

Mike said:
No doubt a number of us handsome, old devils applied but were not accepted.

In a briefing PDF found in the old press release below, Master of Photography said
The program, hosted by Isabella Rossellini, will involve 12 YOUNG TALENTS – either amateur or pro photographers – from all over Europe.

So little chance of handsome old devils getting in because of the blatant age discrimination.

Been busy with home decorating, gardening and babysitting that caused me to miss Camera Live on Saturday that I had booked for.

In spite of all, I am still at the video stage for M of P and have been having fun getting to grips with shooting, editing and finishing, all by myself. Must remember to powder my nose. :lol:
If and when I get there, hopefully early next week, I can then decide how to proceed. 15 November is now just two weeks away!!!

I wonder if the 12 participants get to keep the Leica cameras they use during the show? :roll:
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Fri 10 Nov 2017, 17:26

Hi Mike,
You and a few others (?) might be interested to know that I have submitted my application to Sky Arts - Master of Photography. They have acknowledged receipt. :roll:
The self made two minute video was the hardest part and needed dozens of takes.
Don't hold your breath. There are just 3 places reserved for the UK.
Thanks for bringing MoP to CCC's notice.
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Thu 04 Jan 2018, 14:41

The expected letter from SKY Arts Master of Photography did turn up:

Dear photographer,
thank you for having submitted your application for the new season of Sky Arts’ Master of Photography.
Your portfolio has been very much appreciated by our jury.
Unfortunately, given the high number of applications, you did not make it to be part of the official cast.
Best regards and happy holidays from all Master of Photography’s editorial team.

I had to disclose my date of birth which probably did not help.
I guess it was a worthwhile exercise.
I am looking forward to watching the new series later this year.
Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 04 Jan 2018, 15:19

Hi Iggy

Thanks for the update. As you say, the response is hardly a surprise, especially as many of the entrants would have been working to very high standards. From your perspective, I would expect that just going through the submission will have benefited you enormously in your photographic pursuit. If I still had a forelock, I would tug it in your direction as a mark of respect for having the chutzpah to enter.

Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Sarahrs » Thu 04 Jan 2018, 21:11


Good on you for applying. That definitely half the battle. Sorry to hear you didn’t get to interview stage.
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby davidb » Thu 04 Jan 2018, 21:20

Sarahrs wrote:Iggy,

Good on you for applying. That definitely half the battle. Sorry to hear you didn’t get to interview stage.

You lost the war before the battle was over :cry:

Perhaps next year!!

David A Beard.
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Sat 06 Jan 2018, 12:59

The program will involve 12 YOUNG TALENTS – either amateur or pro photographers – from all over Europe.

Hi Mike, Sarah & David,
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
The war was lost before the first battle as they were looking for “young talent” and additionally there was only going to be 3 participants from the UK. Knowing all this, I still decided to apply anyway.

Meeting Princess Anne as part of the prize for a self-portrait or belonging to the Croydon Camera Club cut no ice with the selectors! Amazing how much detail one can squeeze into a 2 minute video!

Last year, the show did include an 18 year old Irish woman, while a 35+ British woman with teenage sons, possibly the oldest contestant, did eventually win to become Master of Photography. So perhaps some of our CCC members in that age category should enter next year.

If there is interest, I could run a workshop sometime on how I went about applying in conjunction with the handsome, old devil that applied previously! :roll:

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