Do You Have What It Takes?

General discussion and anything that isn't covered by the other categories.
Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 10 Oct 2017, 19:33

Iggy wrote:.... it would be nice to know what else is involved in the selection process.

Well, it is not "The Apprentice" so they are not looking for buffoons and/or those who are just plain annoying. Initially they want answers to questions, sample images and a video to see how well people shape up on camera. Most will fall by the wayside at that stage, especially the video I suspect. Looking good on camera is not that easy and is a comparatively rare skill, which is why TV presenters and actors get paid so much. After that, I would expect interviews and test screenings to establish the final contenders. They are going to want people who look good and are interesting, as well as being competent photographers. If you have access to Sky TV, you can look at the first two series to see the type of people they select. Even the trailers will give an indication.

If you still think that you have got what it takes, go for it. If nothing else, selecting images, answering profile questions and creating a two minute video will get you thinking about yourself and your photography. Win or lose, you will gain from the experience.

Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Wed 11 Oct 2017, 11:12

Mike said:
They are going to want people who look good and are interesting

I did see all of the second series and enjoyed it.
Haven't got SKY but Virgin, where I might possibly be able to see the first series.
I guess some of the contestants looked interesting rather than good. They improved as the series went along.

Getting in is no doubt going to be very tough with a possible 1000 to 2000 entry. Do you remember how many entered last year?

Then there is the four weeks or more that the selected contestants will need to be available for next year.

Like you said it would be an interesting learning experience to work through the selection procedure.
Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 11 Oct 2017, 13:23

Iggy wrote:Do you remember how many entered last year?Iggy

No idea. Google might know.

Iggy wrote:Like you said it would be an interesting learning experience to work through the selection procedure.Iggy

I do answer some of the "Master of Photography" selection questions from the second series in my "On Photography" presentation when I am discussing my approach. I have not yet looked to see if they have changed them for this year.

Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Wed 11 Oct 2017, 14:18

Mike said:
I do answer some of the "Master of Photography" selection questions from the second series in my "On Photography" presentation when I am discussing my approach.

Hi Mike,
Not able to see the "Questions" on the third series form as I have not filled in the preliminary data as I am still pondering.
Also, unfortunately cannot remember the selection of questions from the second series in your "On Photography" presentation.
Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 11 Oct 2017, 17:54

Iggy wrote:Not able to see the "Questions" on the third series form as I have not filled in the preliminary data as I am still pondering.

Completing the initial page does not commit you to anything and allows you to see the later stages of the questionnaire.

Iggy wrote:N......cannot remember the selection of questions from the second series in your "On Photography" presentation.

Here you go:

How did your passion for photography start?
What does photography mean to you?
Are you an amateur or professional photographer?
Which is your favourite camera model you use today?
Do you prefer the digital or analogue format?
Are you adept at using both?
As a photographer, what are your strengths and weaknesses?
Are you more interested in pure, uncontaminated photography or do you prefer influencing and combining it with other forms of artistic expression?
Do you like to travel? Is there a place you would particularly like to photograph? Why?
Describe yourself with three adjectives.
Which of your pictures is your favourite and why?

As I recall, I did not use all of the questions, just the ones which were relevant to the presentation.

Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Wed 11 Oct 2017, 18:37

Hi Mike,
Thank you very much for the questionnaire (series 2?) which is very helpful.
Some of them are fairly searching as one might expect.
I will try and look at the new questions in the next few days.
Got to get ready for camera club now.
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Thu 12 Oct 2017, 22:35

I just saw the first episode of the second series of Master of Photography again. All the contestants were young, 20 to 40 year old, good looking photographers.
No room for young at heart, old photographers, I guess! And the judges are not too kind. either. Does involve a fair bit of travelling in February & March and then having a cameraman following your every move when out shooting.
I wonder if contestants are using Photoshop or Lightroom for post camera editing?
I might watch the rest of the series over the next few days.
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 13 Oct 2017, 08:44

Iggy wrote:All the contestants were young, 20 to 40 year old, good looking photographers.

As you have surmised, looking at those selected for previous series gives a good indication of what the producers are looking for. No doubt a number of us handsome, old devils applied but were not accepted. It might be called "Master of Photography", but actually the programme falls into the entertainment category and being an outstanding photographer is no guarantee of success. Dismissive judges are also just part of the fun for the viewer.

Mike Farley
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Sarahrs » Fri 13 Oct 2017, 19:41

I think they use lightroom.
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Re: Do You Have What It Takes?

Postby Iggy » Sat 14 Oct 2017, 09:13

Hi Sarah,
Good to see that you are also re-watching Master of Photography.
I am enjoying it more second time round.
Could some contestants be using CameraRaw in Photoshop?

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