No More Judges?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

No More Judges?

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 01 Oct 2017, 07:57

Will we soon have an app that will be able to analyse our images, including aesthetic qualities, and give us a mark? That's the mind boggling implication of this story on PetaPixel about Apple acquiring Regaind, a French technology start-up. The technology claims to be able to evaluate an image's "technical and aesthetic values". ... aethetics/

Incidentally, it says something about PetaPixel's values that at the time of writing there is an obvious spelling error in the article's headline which has remained uncorrected since its publication yesterday.

Mike Farley
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Posts: 173
Joined: Tue 18 Sep 2012, 23:23

Re: No More Judges?

Postby walterconquy » Sun 01 Oct 2017, 11:12

Hi apart from the spelling error, why would you want someone who knows nothing about you, telling you what to show and what not to show, we all have a mind of our own
and a certain aesthetic sense ,otherwise we would not do what we do.
The only reason we compete, I think, and are judged is because we want people to see our work, if judges are any good they put into words what you are thinking subliminally.
I find it useful but not soul destroying. I went through a patch a long time ago when it hurt to hear a bad revue, but when I received a 2 for one of my slides I nearly burst out laughing.
It wasn't that important. I went on to do what I wanted and I realised nobody's opinion matters as much as my own . Aesthetics!!!!
Good luck with your points of view.
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: No More Judges?

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 01 Oct 2017, 21:56

Wally, I do not disagree with anything you said, although my post was a bit tongue in cheek. There never will be an app which will be able to assess our images, simply because there is no one universal opinion as to what constitutes a good shot. As we both know, an image liked by one person can be anathema to another. No doubt some elements can be codified but when there are no hard and fast rules, ultimately it cannot replace individual interpretation.

Mike Farley
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