Zenit Camera to be Revived?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Zenit Camera to be Revived?

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 22 Aug 2017, 08:17

According to DPReview, there might be a full frame mirrorless recreation of the old Zenit SLR with which many film photographers cut their teeth. It was crude but did the job and many are still working. The lenses were based on pre-war Carl Zeiss designs which the Soviets obtained during their advance into Germany at the end of WWII. They have become desirable for aficionados of vintage lenses and some of the rarer ones command relatively high prices on eBay. Even the standard Helios 44 58mm f/2, of which literally millions were made, can go for up to £80 or so for the better made examples.

The Zenit cost around £30 back in the day, which made it quite the bargain, especially for beginners. Allowing for inflation, retaining that value equation should mean that the new model would cost a very reasonable £500. ;)

Even if that is unlikely, sadly, maybe the company will reproduce the crack of the Zenit's shutter and mirror slap as a sound effect?

https://www.dpreview.com/news/458315299 ... ra-in-2018

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)

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