Transition to Mirrorless

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Transition to Mirrorless

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 30 Jun 2017, 08:41

Prompted by the recent announcement of the 6D Mk II, Thom Hogan provides his thoughts about how he sees Canon will eventually reposition its camera business around mirrorless. He believes that the company has the right approach, which will allow it to make inroads into mirrorless sales while still retaining its DSLR customers. By comparison, he feels that Nikon has yet to develop a coherent strategy. ... canon.html

As someone who has long been running two camera systems and would like to rationalise to just one, I remain to be convinced that a solution yet exists which fully meets my needs. It is an ongoing situation which has now lasted several years. Hogan's article provides an insight into how things might eventually pan out. As a long term Canon user, the cameras are reliable work horses and have the best controls I have experienced. Despite that, I have resisted upgrading as newer "more of the same" models have been underwhelming. Ironically, on this evidence, it might be Canon which eventually provides the answer if it can successfully break away from it reliance on DSLR sales.

Mike Farley
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