Lightroom Hardware Console

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Mike Farley
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Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 28 Jun 2017, 12:43

I have never thought that Lightroom's interface was particularly difficult or slow to use using keyboard and mouse, but it seems that some people think differently. A Finnish entrepreneur had a succesful Kickstarter campaign to produce a hardware console specifically designed for Lightroom's controls. While I might think differently once I can see it properly, the images on the website being far too small, at £325 I am more likely to pass. ... -uk-107050

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Re: Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby davidb » Wed 28 Jun 2017, 15:41

Did you click on the first word - LoupeDesk? It links to:

I've screen dumped the device and converted it to jpeg and attached here. It's an interesting concept if a bit expensive (Apple's keyboards costs £99 including VAT!).
Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 15.36.47.jpg
Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 15.36.47.jpg (141.04 KiB) Viewed 3773 times

David A Beard.
Mike Farley
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Re: Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 28 Jun 2017, 16:30

davidb wrote:Did you click on the first word - LoupeDesk? It links to:

Er, no. I clicked on the link to the online store instead and then missed the menu icon at top right. It seems that I am "old school" and require traditional dropdown menus. ;)

Having looked at the layout, In Library mode there do not appear to be any options for Import or the different views. In the Develop module, there is support only for the Basic and HSL panels. Neither can I see anything for the local adjustments. Often I create a virual copy before I apply any adjustments, have custom sharpening presets and set noise reduction by eye. Perhaps some of those can be handled by the function buttons, but I see no obvious way in which the console supports them. None of the other modules appear to have specific controls and that includes Print, which most people will want to use at some point.

Maybe the console will have some application for those with RSI or are trying to avoid it, but it appears inevitable that use of keyboard and mouse will still be necessary. Having to switch between three input devices will make selection and editing more complicated. There is just too much functionality in Lightroom to control in its entirety via what looks like a simplistic console. Unless I missed that as well, where is the YouTube video which demonstrates it in use which could maybe address my criticisms? It is one of those ideas which seems good in theory but does not work out in practice. The words, "elephant", "white" and "expensive" come to mind, although not necessarily in that order.

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Re: Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby davidb » Wed 28 Jun 2017, 18:24

Mike Farley wrote:It is one of those ideas which seems good in theory but does not work out in practice. The words, "elephant", "white" and "expensive" come to mind, although not necessarily in that order.

It is in the right order - if you're Chinese :lol:

There are some videos on the Facebook link. Whether they'll answer your questions is another matter.

David A Beard.
Mike Farley
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Re: Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 29 Jun 2017, 08:27

davidb wrote:It is in the right order - if you're Chinese :lol:

Or Yoda. "Elephant, white, expensive it is."

davidb wrote:There are some videos on the Facebook link. Whether they'll answer your questions is another matter.

I found a couple which reinforced most of my initial thoughts, although I did see a side by side view which suggested that it should be possible. The new reference view in the Develop mode does require a drag and drop, but maybe that can be handled in software? I find the view very useful for soft proofing, for which I am sure it is primarily designed, when tweaking the final image prior to making a print. There was one video with someone trying out a prototype. He said that it was useful for "basic editing", before taking the shot into Photoshop. That is all very well, but not when Lightroom is capable of processing many images to completion.

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Re: Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby Rose » Thu 29 Jun 2017, 10:12

Am I right in thinking it only does global adjustments ? Not exactly creative. I prefer 'painting' with local adjustment brushes on my Wacom tablet.
Mike Farley
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Re: Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 29 Jun 2017, 12:15

Rose wrote:Am I right in thinking it only does global adjustments ? Not exactly creative. I prefer 'painting' with local adjustment brushes on my Wacom tablet.

I have not seen anything which suggests that local adjustments are possible, nor a whole lot of other functions besides. With the possible exception of side by side comparison views, I have not seen anything to suggest that my earlier analysis is incorrect.

Mike Farley wrote:Having looked at the layout, In Library mode there do not appear to be any options for Import or the different views. In the Develop module, there is support only for the Basic and HSL panels. Neither can I see anything for the local adjustments. Often I create a virual copy before I apply any adjustments, have custom sharpening presets and set noise reduction by eye. Perhaps some of those can be handled by the function buttons, but I see no obvious way in which the console supports them. None of the other modules appear to have specific controls and that includes Print, which most people will want to use at some point.

Maybe the console will have some application for those with RSI or are trying to avoid it, but it appears inevitable that use of keyboard and mouse will still be necessary. Having to switch between three input devices will make selection and editing more complicated. There is just too much functionality in Lightroom to control in its entirety via what looks like a simplistic console. Unless I missed that as well, where is the YouTube video which demonstrates it in use which could maybe address my criticisms? It is one of those ideas which seems good in theory but does not work out in practice. The words, "elephant", "white" and "expensive" come to mind, although not necessarily in that order.

The problem for the creators of Loupedeck is that only so much can be controlled by using switches, sliders and dials. Anything such as local adjustments where placement is a factor, a pointing device such as a mouse or tablet is more convenient. Other issues are that it might be quite cheaply made. In one of the videos, the user dropped it onto the desk and there was hollow, plastic clatter. Admittedly it was a pre-production sample, but the video was filmed only a month away from the production version being available. Is the final version really going to be substantially more solid? It really needs to be for the price being demanded.

Given its apparently limited utility, I am not sure that I would use one on a long term basis even if the manufacturer gave me one. It might be quicker and easier to apply certain global adjustments, but some of that convenience is lost through having to revert to a pointing device for some things as well as the keyboard. It is addressing a need which does not really exist for most people.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
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Re: Lightroom Hardware Console

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 23 Aug 2017, 08:35

There is a positive review by a wedding photographer on PetaPixel. He claims that it speeded up his workflow and around 90% of the time was able to make adjustments using the console. In the conclusion, he says that it offers value to a professional in allowing them to get work done in less time, but offers less to an amateur with fewer images to process. ... room-game/

Mike Farley
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