Best View in the UK?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Best View in the UK?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 12 Apr 2017, 08:48

The BBC reckons it has the answer.

Personally, that list does not even come close. Certainly, there are some iconic locations which are justifiably well known. There are, though, many other places in the UK which are just as good and all the better for being less famous. Many of the spots the club recently visited in Norfolk would qualify, for example.

As a personal footnote, I have been to the summit of Snowdon, which is the BBC's top view. It was a beautifully clear and sunny day, yet I failed to see anything. Rather than walk up, I took the train which limits the amount of time available to look around as you have to return on the same train which takes you up there. About 100 yards from the summit, a cloud descended over it which restricted visibility to a few feet. On the way back down, with the train in a similar position as when I had first seen the cloud, it lifted. ;)

Mike Farley
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Re: Best View in the UK?

Postby Rose » Wed 12 Apr 2017, 09:49

They only surveyed 2,500 people apparently so it's hardly representational... even so, it's nice to see Cheddar Gorge ranked no.5 :) It's only 10 minutes from where I now live but I've yet to get up to the viewpoint at the top. I've seen some fabulous sunset photos taken up there.
Last night I skipped camera club to take photos of the full moon rising behind Glastonbury Tor. I went out with a local photographer, we parked up somewhere on one of the droves and clambered up a grassy bank (ie full of stinging nettles) to get our viewpoint. I'll post a couple of pics...

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