Now This Is A Curiosity

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Now This Is A Curiosity

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 07 Jan 2017, 09:12

A new manual focus lens designed to mimic retro rendering by being sharp in the centre and soft at the edges and all for "only" $1,800? In other words, it draws similarly to Fuji's much maligned XF 18 f/2 (28 mm full frame equivalent). The Fuji lens is much less expensive as well, although thanks to fly by wire focussing it can only used on Fuji cameras. It does have AF, though. ... in-m-mount

It seems to me that anyone wanting a retro look to their images would be better off buying a secondhand manual focus lens. Admittedly the introduction of mirrorless cameras has created a resurgence of interest in older lenses. Prices are higher than they were a few years ago, especially for some of the rarer ones, but there are still bargains to be had. I recently picked up an OM fit 135 f/2.8 for a fiver from Reg at the Croydon Photo Centre. The adapter, which I already had, cost three times as much. It is well made and in good condition. The optics are without any fungus, dust, haze or scratches. Wide open it's a bit soft and not as good as the Olympus 135 f/3.5 which I also have, but they are on a par once stopped down to f/5.6.

Mike Farley
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