Street Photography Techniques

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Street Photography Techniques

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 24 May 2014, 19:09

For anyone into street photography, this video with Zack Arias has a host of tips and shows the resulting images. Although it was clearly sponsored by Fuji to promote the X-T1 and Instax, the tips he shows can be applied to most cameras, although you will need a model with Wi-Fi and a compatible phone to use the remote control technique he demonstrates. (It's at this point I get frustrated because I chose a Windows 8 phone which is poorly supported by apps rather than something running Android. :( )

I also wish that I had found someone like Yusef when I went to Marrakech as I would probably had more success in finding and shooting subjects wandering around on my own, as well as not being hassled and ripped off by the locals. It's definitely a thought if I go somewhere similar in the future. ... pYfhqfWcu8

Mike Farley
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