SPA Image Entry Review?

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Mike Farley
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SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 01 Mar 2016, 10:18

One of the benefits of being in a camera club is that we can learn from each other. It is one of the things this forum is about, which makes it a shame that more people do not take advantage of it and make active contributions. We do not have to agree with other, in fact it can be preferable that we don't on occasion as that enables us to see things as others do and maybe alter our perception. One advantage that we have is that we all know each other in real life, which avoids the issues on other forums when things can become less than civil.

In the spirit of the above, I have a proposal to make. Photography is a multi-faceted pursuit, from finding a subject, capturing it, processing the result and lastly, editing. That last one can be the hardest bit, deciding what works and what does not, whittling a number of images down to just a few which can involve making some difficult decisions. It is partly what entry to the SPA competition is about, choosing those images which not only you like but which also have an appeal to others. My offer is that I am willing to share all twelve images which I submitted to the SPA Biennial Exhibition, regardless of how they fared, in the Image Critique forum which allows others to make comments freely. Some of them were accepted, some were not, so there should be a good range to discuss.

Now here's the kicker. This is not about me showing pictures and others looking without engagement. This is meant to be a learning process for everyone and that means participation. I will only do this if at least half a dozen people, a modest number given how many are registered on the forum, sign up. That involves making meaningful comments which are not of the "nice image" variety to each and every shot. The idea is that it is one means by which each and everyone in the process can develop themselves as photographers bvy thinking about what they are seeing.

My commitment is that I will post each image with background information about how I obtained it, including technical details. Where appropriate, I will describe my post capture processing. I will also post the score it achieved in the SPA competition and how the shot has fared on other occasions if I have used it previously. Finally, I will express my own opinions about the image and why I thought it worthy of inclusion in the entry. I intend to post every couple of days or so, but will only do so if there is sufficient feedback to the latest one.

I am happy to be a pioneer on this, but there is no reason why others should not do something similar, either with their own SPA entry or other pictures. So how about it, who is in?

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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby Rose » Tue 01 Mar 2016, 11:32

If one or two others are willing to make the same offer (I am) this would be a good activity for a members' evening.
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Paul Heester
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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby Paul Heester » Tue 01 Mar 2016, 12:32

Im willing to participate also. But I can see the added benefit of also having a members evening on the same subject. Happy to submit my own SPA images, none of which made the cut :cry:
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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby davidc » Wed 02 Mar 2016, 01:53

I'm interested. I've not been involved in any kind of image judging for a couple of years now, I'll have to remember how it works ;)
Is there a "framework" SPA uses? Like marked out of 10 or 12, or is it commends/highly commends etc.
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Mike Farley
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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 02 Mar 2016, 08:49

davidc wrote:I'm interested. I've not been involved in any kind of image judging for a couple of years now, I'll have to remember how it works ;)
Is there a "framework" SPA uses? Like marked out of 10 or 12, or is it commends/highly commends etc.

Other than image editing and selection, there is a further reason for doing this exercise as images at the higher levels tend to be judged by different criteria. We have remarked about this on this forum in respect of the RPS International Print Exhibition, for example, and SPA is the next rung up from club competition. Looking at this year's top entries, most of those images would have done well in club competition, but it is not always the case. In the 2014 exhibition, I was mystified by the selection of one of the selector's award for a colour print when I thought others were better. The same applies to this year's results if I am honest.

I do not know how many images were submitted this year, but based on past years there were probably around 1,300 prints and a significant number of DPIs as well. Judging takes place in a day, which means that each shot has no more than a few seconds before it is marked. Initial impact is everything.

The SPA images are assessed by three judges who each award marks out of five. A total of 15 marks are available, although hardly any achieve that. A score of 11 is usually sufficient for acceptance into the exhibition, which normally means that at least two of the judges have awarded four marks. It is not always the case, as in 2014 nine of the images entered by club members were awarded 11 but there were too many to display and eight lost out in the cull. The link below is to the 2014 catalogue, which has more information about the scoring and selection.

Mike Farley
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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby Rose » Wed 02 Mar 2016, 09:30

That's really interesting, thanks Mike
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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby toms » Wed 02 Mar 2016, 18:23

An interesting thread which leaves me in two minds.

One could say that whilst this is a valid and worthy exercise, when does the forum take the place of a club evening?

I am more than happy to participate in this venture but like Rose feel that this would best be done as a 'Members' Evening'. As Mike correctly points out, the forum is not used as hoped by many members which, should this exercise go ahead, would negate the purpose of arranging an evening in the first place. Also, due to the reduction in competition rounds we are still short of subjects for a couple of Members' Evenings.

I am also aware that such a critique would be very useful for those intending to apply for RPS or PAGB awards later this year of next year for whom workshops are intended to be set up probably during the summer. Again doing it on the forum might negate this as well.

I'd be interested to read other's opinions on this one, especially as if only a couple of members participate it could be viewed, as Mike suggests, as a trumpet blowing exercise.


Mike Farley
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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 02 Mar 2016, 23:38


First off, this proposition was never intended to take the place of a club meeting and I was unaware that there are still some unfilled slots in the programme which you intended to fill with a similar exercise. I see the forum as a means of supplementing the club's activities and has the advantage that it is seven days a week, rather than than just two hours a week and gives members an alternative way to communicate.

The purpose in suggesting this venture was twofold. Primarily I see it as an opportunity for members to find out what is needed to succeed at the next level, by seeing direct comparisons between what made the grade and what did not. As you say, some members are considering going for PAGB distinctions and this would give them invaluable information which is not usually that easy to find. Doing so via the forum allows for greater discussion than would be possible in a meeting. I submitted 12 images and we had at least 10 members enter for the exhibition. Assuming that everyone had a similar number, that could be more than 100 photos to review - less than a minute each. Moreover, doing it on the forum would create a permanent record for people to look at and does not rely on individuals' availability for a meeting.

The other principle reason was to encourage greater participation in the forum, which could be a tremendous asset for the club if members were to engage with it. That is why I suggested a minimum of six people taking part. There is a lot of information here and it is a valuable resource, wasted to indifference I might say. Given the relative paucity of interest to date, it does not look as though we will reach the minimum number which I stipulated to go ahead with the project. I have to say that I am disappointed, although the lack of response so far is not really unexpected. I am prepared to pass on as much as information as I can and be candid about my less successful shots, as is Paul, which I feel is a significant and generous offer on our parts from which we could all benefit. That does not appear to be what the membership as a whole wants.

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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby toms » Thu 03 Mar 2016, 10:04


Your efforts in trying to generate interest in improving presentation etc. as well as increasing usage of the forum are to be acknowledged and congratulated. I like others just feel that what you are trying to establish on this one would benefit a few (the forum users) but not be advantageous to the general members who's hobby and talents we are trying to nurture.

Whether or not the review is done on the forum, for which I have already said I can see some benefit from and am willing to participate should that be the overriding wish, we will still try and fit in a 'Members' Evening' on the subject towards the end of this season.

At the end of the day as you rightly put it, there needs to be a minimum input to this and to date the numbers wanting to be included are very low.

Let's not get too hung up over this at this time as it might impede on what you are trying to achieve. We should discuss this at club level and I suggest not on the forum so that everyone concerned can be involved.


Mike Farley
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Re: SPA Image Entry Review?

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 03 Mar 2016, 10:18


Mike Farley
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