Shooting at 28mm

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Shooting at 28mm

Postby davidc » Mon 01 Dec 2014, 03:22

An article about shooting wide angle @ 28mm and some advice on how to tackle the issues and opportunities it creates -

28mm is pretty wide and generally not THAT common for much outside landscapes but this chap uses some convincing examples of how it can be used to good effect.

From personal experience the x100s is 35mm so not even as wide as the example here but even so, I find it a challenge to use effectively on the street.
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Mike Farley
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Re: Shooting at 28mm

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 01 Dec 2014, 08:34

There is a saying "Artitsts include, photographers exclude" which neatly sums up the wide-angle dilemma you mention. As the article states, it's easier to cut out competing parts of the scene with a longer focal length. Extreme wide-angle lenses are even trickier to manage. Quite often when I am wandering the streets camera in hand, it's a 50 mm full frame equivalent prime lens which is attached to the camera. Going around Canterbury the other day, I found my eye adapting very naturally to the 75 prime which was already on the camera when I took it out of the bag. I know that I am not alone in thinking that way, but on other occasions I have also found a good use for a wider lens.

Thanks for a useful link.

Mike Farley
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