Optimising Exposure

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Mike Farley
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Optimising Exposure

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 01 Nov 2014, 09:07

I have left it until the weekend to post this. The method described is based on the "expose to the right" technique which has been around for a few years. If you are new to the concept, it might take more than one read through to understand the explanation. It will not work in every instance when there is a wide range between the darkest and lightest tones in a scene, but it can be useful in some circumstances for getting the most out of a digital sensor.

http://www.luminous-landscape.com/essay ... sure.shtml

When it comes to post processing, a necessary part of the overall workflow, I have sometimes found that I get better results using the 2010 version of ACR in Lightroom.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)
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Paul Heester
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Re: Optimising Exposure

Postby Paul Heester » Fri 07 Nov 2014, 19:41

Ive heard of the technique before so was interested in hearing more about it. However...I really hate the Luminous Landscape website for its design. They love different colour text, underlines, bold and italics all in a mish-mash, it just makes the whole thing unreadable. When I scroll down that link its just like white noise :roll:
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Re: Optimising Exposure

Postby davidc » Sun 09 Nov 2014, 15:00

I agree with Paul, for some reason they have chosen a way to present their info that makes it harder to read. I end up not bothering even ignoring the abhorrent presentation the guy does tend to waffle.

Also ettr has been around for ages, I'm not sure what he thinks is new enough to write a piece about it?
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