1/40th sec
iso 2500
Interested to see what people make of this.

Red Light by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
What I like -
- The colour - I like the red in the corner offset by the blue/purple in the other one. I had hoped it'd have pervaded the scene more but the street light yellow/orange is more prominent. I can predict the red/bright edge comment ahead of time but would argue in this case something as mundane as a red traffic light is known/recognised/ignored and focus returns to the people. Had it been a bright red starburst I'd agree it would be distracting

Getting the man sharp in low light and still having the motion of the car/city behind him
The angle. I tried it properly levelled and it just didn't work for me. It is not, after all, a record shot of a street where being level might be critical

The bokeh in the trees
What I'm not as keen on -
- The subject, which I'm pretty sure was prostitution, did make me think twice about posting it.
The reflections on his visor - though it does grant the chap a degree of anonymity I guess!
Most of all I'm not sure if the "hook" is strong enough. Because I know the context it's obvious to me but without the title I feel it's a bit more ambiguous? I'm not sure that the narrative is as strong as I wanted to convey.