EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ONLY - Join me and Retro Rob at Andrew Dunsmore's stuido

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Posts: 183
Joined: Fri 05 Jul 2019, 18:47

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ONLY - Join me and Retro Rob at Andrew Dunsmore's stuido

Postby abennettphotography » Mon 02 May 2022, 21:25

I've organised a shoot with Retro Rob at Andrew Dunsmore's studio (Picture Partnership)

I need two other people to join me to share the cost and make it viable otherwise I'll cancel it.

Cost : £80 each for 4hrs studio time and 3hrs with Rob (a bargain!)
Date: 15th May (Sunday) exact times TBC

Please reply to this post if your're interested.

Once I have the numbers, I will post full details here, in the forum where the first two to sign up will get the places

NOTE Please only commit if you can do the date and costs as there will be NO REFUNDS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
Posts: 183
Joined: Fri 05 Jul 2019, 18:47

Re: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ONLY - Join me and Retro Rob at Andrew Dunsmore's stuido

Postby abennettphotography » Fri 06 May 2022, 21:42

I'm wondering if it's the date or the cost that's putting people off.

If it's the date, there are some others available but it'll be a weekday evening or a Sunday.

The cost, unfortunately, is not negotiable as I've got the best deal I can with the studio hire and the model though £80 for 4hr studio hire & 3hrs model is a steal.

Regardless, if I've not got the numbers by close of business on Monday, I'll have to cancel this.

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