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Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2014, 13:20
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:I am aiming to have all remaining shots of mine online tonight :)

And although I'm not intending to do another 365 I have, so far, actually not missed a day of this year... yet ;)

Congratulations not only on finishing, but also carrying on into the new year. I had something in mind for yesterday, but processing that final shot took much longer than I anticipated and what light there was had gone by the time I had finished. Am looking forward to seeing the final flourish of 2013.

I have alternative plans for 2014 and will post my thoughts on the forum in due course.

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2014, 14:36
by davidc
I'm definitely not doing another 365 this year :)

Something will happen this year, but not that. I need to finish the books and put the 365 to bed before starting on the next big project! Although I'm going to continue to enter exhibitions so I'll need a ready source of images for that too.

#349 - An Exercise In Frustration

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:23
by davidc
I was making bubbles and trying to photograph them for over an hour without much luck - this was the only shot I got that actually worked how I wanted it. A very frustrating evening. Paul, can you draw a setup diagram or something please... this whole effort did my head in!

An Exercise In Frustration - 349/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#357 - The Day the Storm Hit

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:27
by davidc
Taken just as the rain hit London and everyone started panicking. Deliberately underexposed two stops as I wanted to abstract the people, heads down facing the rain, and focus instead on the light playing off the wet surfaces.

Underexposing also meant I didn't need a stupid ISO too.

The Day The Storm Hit - 357/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#358 - A Welcoming Home?

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:29
by davidc
I was REALLY struggling on Christmas Eve but after being sent out to get emergency milk - the wife & inlaws, being tea lovers, panicked when we only had two litres to last Christmas Day! - and spotted this house on the way back. I liked how the cold light of the no entry sign contrasted against the warm, welcoming decorations.

Ran this through the auto-correction tool for horizontal/vertical shifts in Lightroom, that thing is MAGIC :)

edit: bah, I've uploaded the unshifted version. Stupid boy.

A Welcoming Home? - 358/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:31
by davidc
Christmas Day will be delayed - I shot a roll of film and it's yet to be developed.

#360 - Midday Sun

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:32
by davidc
Took this from a moving car as we left the in-laws at 8am to drive 5hrs to Newcastle. Would be interested to see what silver efex pro made of it but after reinstalling windows on my laptop, I've lost that particular plugin.

Midday Sun - 360/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#361 - Pooch

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:39
by davidc
Taken using natural light from a nearby window and at f1.8 to get some nice bokeh.

What surprised me while pixel peeping is that the dog somehow has GREEN fur on it's muzzle. Initially I thought it would be CA but then I'd expect to see purple fur too but I can't find that. Peculiar.

Pooch - 361/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#362 - Spots

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:54
by davidc
Simple setup but I quite like the result :)

Spots - 362/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#363 - Backup

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 11:00
by davidc
An awful, awful backup shot when I was too busy to do something genuinely good. Pls ignore :)

Backup - 363/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr