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#163 - Shattered

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 10:06
by davidc
This took longer than planned to post because I'd lost the memory card it was on!

It's inevitable now. Every new gift, crockery, glassware... you name it.

All gets assessed for 365 material :)

This is a cool fractured glass bowl we've recently been given.

Shattered - 163/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#164 - Spray

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 10:06
by davidc
I wanted to use flash to freeze the action of this spray but found it to be surprisingly difficult! Even on the lowest power there was still an awful lot of motion blur!

Might come back and try this again after rethinking my approach but it's still a reasonably interesting shot.

Spray - 164/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#165 - Rear View Mirror

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 10:06
by davidc
A sunny day?? Took my camera + lensbaby for a slow walk back to the train station. Really pleased how the sweet spot focus effect worked here - it can be hit and miss with the lensbaby but I quite like how this one has came out.

Rear View Mirror - 165/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#166 - The Day I Nearly Failed

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 10:07
by davidc
Quite a lot happened today and I very nearly failed to take a photo. First of all, we bought a car! Expect to see it in some shots soon. Then we met a friend for cakes which turned into dinner/drinks and the last tube home. At no point was I feeling like there was a good shot though did spy this out of the apartment window.

So I almost failed. I'd forgotten I'd taken this so I almost resorted to an instagrammed picture of sushi. I know, that'd be a very dangerous precedent! I almost turned hipster... but thankfully I pulled it back from the brink.

The Day I Nearly Failed - 166/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#167 - 9 Singers

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 10:08
by davidc
Still without my proper camera I spotted this in the window of a shop in Bluewater. Looking forward to shooting some "celebration" themed shots next week.

9 Singers - 167/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 10:13
by davidc
I have a few images from last week I need to catch up on and post, I'm hoping to do them tonight. However I also have started shooting shots for the "Celebration" themed competition in a few weeks which I intend to deliberately not post :) No sense in revealing my hand to my co-competitors ;)

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 11:56
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:I'd missed your reply somehow, but would only really disagree with a project 52 or 50 being "easy". I think it depends on the standard you intend to achieve :)

Well they certainly seem as if they should be easier than a 365, but I certainly agree that maintaining quality over any such a series of shots is incredibly difficult.

#168 - Sparkles

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:36
by davidc
Another in my series of "celebration" themed shots, this one was a lot more fun setting up/shooting/press-ganging the wife into helping but it needed a lot of cleanup afterwards.

Been hoovering the stars off the carpet ever since!

Celebration II - 168/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#169 - Another Blue Flower

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:36
by davidc
I'd originally planned to shoot some "celebration" themed images for the annual club competition but flower + water droplets are hard to ignore :)

Another Blue Flower - 169/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#170 - She Said Yes

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:36
by davidc
Though there is technically nothing wrong with the shot, I'm now thinking it's "too still" and not going to cut it for a proper celebration shot.

Still I can enter three images so this may still make the cut.

Strobist - YN560II lighting the background @1/16th, YN460 through an umbrella 10cm from the champagne cork 45 deg right from camera, lowest possible power. Needed a bit of extra fill to burn away an ugly shadow.

** Update ** Agree with the judges comments that it's a bit static, I'd thought this ahead of time but had no scope for producing an alternate shot. I think it's only because it technically is pretty good that it scored well. Having said that it really did tickle me when he said "that blue box has no place in the image and should be removed". I don't think women who like Tiffany would agree at all ;)

For a few weeks this was one of the most viewed shots I've ever had on flickr and made Explore too.

She Said Yes - 170/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr