David's Project 365

Post pictures you simply want to share with others. (Use "Image Critique" if you want to obtain feedback.)
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Tue 19 Mar 2013, 10:46

Mike Farley wrote:
davidc wrote:Not entirely sure what to do now!

Agree a fee with them!

Make sure that you are clear what you are selling. It would be better to sell rights for a specific purpose rather than copyright. Is it a non exclusive one time use for the album cover only or will there be other uses such as t-shirts? Does the client want exclusive use, either forever or for a limited period? All these things will have an impact on the final price.

Do you know their budget, so that you do not pitch too low initially? That could depend on how well known the band is.

What are the payment arrangements? Make sure that you have at least an agreement in writing before handing the file over. Payment might well be on deferred terms, in which case your invoice should clearly state by when it should be paid, e.g. 30 days from date.

No doubt all this stuff and more is on the Internet.

Cheers, yes - it was a totally out of the blue "WTF! Post online!" moment :)
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#76 - A Mossy Wall

Postby davidc » Wed 20 Mar 2013, 08:33

Found myself in Andover and wandered around the church graveyard. Peeing it down again I was reluctant to get the camera out because I was worried it'd get damaged but spotted this moss growing on a wall. Looked kinda cool.

Mossy Wall - 76/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#77 - Lines & Curves

Postby davidc » Wed 20 Mar 2013, 08:36

This is my entry into the weekly photo challenge at work - make a picture focusing on lines and curves.

Got to admit I was struggling for inspiration and think this kind of "abstract minimalism" stuff isn't my cup of tea. For me lines/curves are found in good pictures and in themselves don't make a picture good.

So to get SOMETHING out of the shot I decided to focus more on the lighting to get the shadows how I wanted them which was fun.

Work is being an absolute pain in the arse too, barely any time to even plan ahead for shots let alone do anything a bit more complex/interesting. But last night's shot was good... will get that online tonight :)

Lines & Curves - 77/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Wed 20 Mar 2013, 14:14

I'm quite surprised that Lines & Curves is being well received online. It does nothing for me really and though I thought it might appeal to the person who set the theme (hence I entered it), more people than I thought have commented on it.

Seems like simple mono shots of kitchen cutlery are an easy win!
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Wed 20 Mar 2013, 23:42

Back to work after tonight's lecture and waiting for certain things to run I figured I'd catch up...

I know it's a bit dark but the aim of photography is to tell a story. Not all stories are nice.

He Had It Coming - 78/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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#79 - Spiral

Postby davidc » Thu 21 Mar 2013, 00:25

I've lived in London nearly a decade and until today I'd never been up Monument :)

Advice to everyone, ask the ticket seller if there is a group of 40+ schoolchildren up there... it can cause traffic jams when they all come down one step at a time. All 321 steps!

Spiral - 79/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Thu 21 Mar 2013, 13:08

r.e. He Had it Coming I've had a huge chat with a colleague at work who is a cinematographer and has given a wealth of advice on how to improve the shot. Version 2 will come in the future I think :)
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Paul Heester
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Paul Heester » Thu 21 Mar 2013, 14:07

I really like this shot. Its telling a story, certainly not the whole story but one I want to know more about. So for that reason I think it works well. Ive got a "horror poster" idea planned but will wait to Halloween to try that one out.

davidc wrote:Back to work after tonight's lecture and waiting for certain things to run I figured I'd catch up...

I know it's a bit dark but the aim of photography is to tell a story. Not all stories are nice.

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#80 - Pick a Pepper

Postby davidc » Fri 22 Mar 2013, 14:49

I saw these packs of baby peppers in the supermarket and straight away pictured this shot! I must have spent a good 15 minutes looking for a green one but they just didn't have any :)

Enjoy :)

Strobist - YN560II above, 1m away on 1/32 power angled at about 15deg from the vertical

Pick A Pepper - 80/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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Day 81 - Taped Up!

Postby davidc » Mon 25 Mar 2013, 10:38

Yes I know it's bizarre! But it's inspired by the work of Wes Naman (a considerably better photographer than I) and I was looking for an excuse for a self portrait and strobist practice!
YN560II left through softbox, 1/16th power ~1m
YN460 right through umbrella, half power ~ 1m

Incidentally it's one of the few pics I've put up that even my mother can't look at :D

Taped Up - 81/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr
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