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Re: #58 -

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 08:50
by Paul Heester
Im impressed your workplace has a photo competition (not sure what your dayjob is or company). I dont think Ive found any fellow photographers at my workplace. Love the idea and Im sure you can come up with more scenarios. I liked your previous miniature setup of the mountaineers.

Just ordered a wireless flash trigger for my one strobe so I can start on some macro ideas myself.

davidc wrote:This was my entry into the work photo challenge competition, on the theme of LEGO :)

I bought a couple of cheap, random single figures from the newsagent and ended up getting a swimmer and an armoured knight... It was fun coming up with a scenario I could photograph them in and I'm tempted to try this again later in the year, maybe as a side project.

Don't have a lot of time for photography at the moment, stupid work is getting in the way :(

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 09:04
by davidc
I work in IT for a well-known, fashionable to hate, 81% owned by the taxpayer bank ;) One of the benefits of such a big organisation is that the internal communication channels allow for all manner of groups to be setup for personal interests and though photography isn't the biggest it's pretty active - we run regular intro courses for other employees (mostly around Christmas and pre-holiday season when people have new cameras they want to understand!) and do presentations on aspects of photography, like my own intro to astophotography for photographers. It's pretty cool! We also do a weekly photo challenge (I came third this week on Lego) which depending on the theme gets varying levels of interest - exactly like that which Peter and I have been discussing in General chat.

We do still WORK of course :)

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 09:27
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:I work in IT for a well-known, fashionable to hate, 81% owned by the taxpayer bank ;) .....

.......... We do still WORK of course :)

It's a shame that public only see the recently announced financial results, which reflect the correction of past mistakes, rather than the efforts being made by the staff who were not responsible for the mess the bank got iteslf into.

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 11:32
by davidc
Mike Farley wrote:It's a shame that public only see the recently announced financial results, which reflect the correction of past mistakes, rather than the efforts being made by the staff who were not responsible for the mess the bank got iteslf into.

That's EXACTLY the boat we're in now and it's frustrating. All the miscreants who caused problems are long, long gone. Probably on a beach with their insane payouts. The people who are left behind are the ones trying to clean up the mess and are getting punished for trying to patch things up and are the ones targetted by protestors and the press. Of course, inconvenient truths like this don't stop journalists vomiting out sensational headlines. *sigh*

#60 - Dark Side

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 09:17
by davidc
So to start today's triple whammy...

This is my angry face.
500px have added a button into Chrome that lets ANYONE download ANY of your pics at 240dpi resolution for FREE. They claim any pic on the internet can be stolen... that's no excuse for providing a button that lets them do it.

Sort it out 500px.

The end of a long week and I wanted to experiment with more strobist self portraits and had this in mind for a while. It's come out much darker than I intended initially but I'm pleased with the end result!

Strobist - YN560II through softbox about 25cm from my head, upper right, @1/2 power. YN460 left @ 1/2 through umbrella (though processing means you can't really tell)

Dark Side - 60/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#61 - Three's A Crowd

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 09:18
by davidc
I spent the afternoon trying for shots of snowdrops and/or bluetits feeding in the garden but wasn't really happy with any of the results. Just as I was packing up to go out for the night I spotted these pigeons on the roof of the building out the back of our house. It was cool just watching them, it looked like they were having a conversation or watching the sunset then the third one landed on the right and made the shot :)

Three's a Crowd - 61/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

#62 - Heart of the Fire

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 09:18
by davidc
We had a bonfire today. Well, yesterday.

Heart of the Fire - 62/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

Re: #60 - Dark Side

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 14:20
by Paul Heester
Wow, thats a powerful portrait. Very well executed.

Your left eye looks really dark, it reminds me of The X-Files and the "black oil" some of the characters got. Old TV reference I know but I loved that show to bits.

davidc wrote:So to start today's triple whammy...

This is my angry face.
500px have added a button into Chrome that lets ANYONE download ANY of your pics at 240dpi resolution for FREE. They claim any pic on the internet can be stolen... that's no excuse for providing a button that lets them do it.

Sort it out 500px.

The end of a long week and I wanted to experiment with more strobist self portraits and had this in mind for a while. It's come out much darker than I intended initially but I'm pleased with the end result!

Strobist - YN560II through softbox about 25cm from my head, upper right, @1/2 power. YN460 left @ 1/2 through umbrella (though processing means you can't really tell)

Re: David's Project 365

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 15:14
by davidc
Though not inspired by the x-files I know exactly what you mean :)
They were done in photoshop and initially I struggled to get the highlight right. In the end I undid all my editing, redid the "blacking out" and just left the highlights in there that my softbox created. All that faffing about when I'd missed the fact there were correct highlights already there.

My friends say it's less "angry face" and more "difficult toilet face". Which is all I see now, thanks to them...

#63 - Solitary

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 17:29
by davidc
Decided to shoot a roll of HP5 400 film in the AE-1 at lunchtime. As ever the results were entirely unpredictable but I did manage to get a few shots.

Opted for this as pic of the day, a chap sitting staring into space on his lunchbreak. Struck me as being a photographer's-ish image?

Solitary - 62/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr