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Replica AC Sports Car

Posted: Thu 25 Oct 2012, 15:37
by Simon Clarkson
Taken in a parking area on the way to Le Mans Classic. Unfortunately I feel the shadow under the car detracts from the image itself. Not a bad effort when you see how boring the original image was. :P



Re: Replica AC Sports Car

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 10:03
by davidc
Looks like HDR? Which I like, so that gets a tick :) Although having said that

Also, the first thing I looked for was a telltale reflection of the cameraman in the body work and at first glance you've done very well in hiding it!

The mega bright highlight on the left is a bit distracting and it's lost some of the detail from the rear of the car.... but has it affected it too much? Not in my opinion - you've gone for a stylistic effect in the image that I think has come over well and though it does constitute loss of detail, it doesn't ruin the image for me at all.

Maybe I'd have preferred the background to be out of focus so it doesn't compete with the car so much?

Overall though, nice pic :)