Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

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Mike Farley
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 15 Aug 2014, 10:05

Jase wrote:I normally sit on the beach about 100m west of the pier. and try be bag the planes above the pier. that may be interesting this year.
if i get my new camera today Ill be there tomorrow if anyone wants to say hello


Only the building at the land end of the pier was destroyed by the fire, although the metal framework is still standing, and the part that is furthest from the shore is still extant. It will depend on where you are on the beach and the angle at which the planes approach as to whether you will be able to include the skeleton of the ruined section in shot.

Good luck with the new camera, hope you get it in time.

Mike Farley
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Rose » Fri 15 Aug 2014, 11:56

We're definitely going tomorrow now. However, we'll be watching the BBMF fly out of Biggin Hill this afternoon from our roof terrace and will probably walk up to the airfield to see them come back in.
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Rose » Fri 15 Aug 2014, 17:57

The BBMF and Canadian Lancaster coming back into Biggin Hill this afernoon after displaying at Eastbourne

ImageBBMF 1 by Rose Atkinson, on Flickr

ImageBBMF 2 by Rose Atkinson, on Flickr
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Rose » Fri 15 Aug 2014, 17:58

And one of VERA as she flew past our house :D

ImageVERA 1 by Rose Atkinson, on Flickr
Mike Farley
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 15 Aug 2014, 19:16

Good shots, Rose, especially that last one of Vera with its wheels down.

Mike Farley
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Rose » Sat 16 Aug 2014, 21:27

Thanks Mike :D
Just back from Eastbourne - we've had a fab day, blue skies, and sunshine all day... but buffeted by some very strong winds on top of Beachy Head. The two Lancasters were awesome ! Hundreds of people on the headland but amazing how everyone went quiet as soon as the BBMF arrived. We were camped out next to the Bomber Command Memorial and there was an elderly bomber veteran there, resplendant in cap, blazer, and medals. I felt sorry for him though, as lots of people wanted him to pose for photos which I thought was a bit intrusive. I sneaked a couple of candid shots. Exhausted now, but have started downloading photos ;) Interesting viewpoint on Beachy head - you only get a long, sideways view of the displays, although that in itself was interesting and I enjoyed taking shots of the planes against the backdrop of the coastline, pier and small boats. But when some of the planes do a flypast along the headland you actually get to see them from above ! A couple of the Red Arrows also came in so close right over our heads I really could have done with a wide angle lens !
Mike Farley
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:47

Hi Rose

It's definitely a good show, although I could have done with a bit more telephoto firepower for some of the planes. Even with a setup approaching the equivalent of 700mm on full frame, quite often the planes occupied just a small proportion of the frame. Only occasionally were they too close. It was the first time that I had been, but my appetite is wetted for next year and maybe I'll think about going down on more than one day and try some different locations, with Beachy Head being one of the possibilities. I know what you mean about processing the images and I am still going through mine to produce a small album of the best shots to put on flickr.

Mike Farley
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby toms » Tue 19 Aug 2014, 09:54

Nice images Rose. I didn't go to Eastbourne and took up your information about Biggin Hill. Went there on Friday, found a great spot, then found that for over 2½ hourse we had a non=stop view of most of the planes displaying at Eastbourne. The only downside was that we were right next to their take-off so images of them in the air were somewhat limited but we were only about 100 metres from the aircraft and a 200mm telephoto was ideal. When I down-size some images I'll post them.

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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby toms » Tue 19 Aug 2014, 15:36

A couple of images to add to the collection.

BBMF_32_edited-1.jpg (170.38 KiB) Viewed 5701 times
BBMF_Both Lancasters_edited-1.jpg
Both Lancasters
BBMF_Both Lancasters_edited-1.jpg (145.8 KiB) Viewed 5701 times
Typhoon Liftoff_edited-1.jpg
Typhoon Liftoff_edited-1.jpg (204.43 KiB) Viewed 5701 times
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Re: Photo Opportunity - Two Lancasters together in the air.

Postby Nina » Wed 20 Aug 2014, 08:04

toms wrote:A couple of images to add to the collection.


Not being a fan of aircraft photography I haven't commented before but your last shot prompted me to do so purely on pictorial merit. Well done sir! :)


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