PP: Porthsmouth 27 Jan

Details and discussion for any up-coming outings, exhibitions, or general photographic events.
Posts: 155
Joined: Tue 27 Sep 2016, 21:05

Re: PP: Porthsmouth 27 Jan

Postby Sarahrs » Sat 27 Jan 2018, 16:30

Paul- we’re at the entrance in the cafe.
Posts: 155
Joined: Tue 27 Sep 2016, 21:05

Re: PP: Porthsmouth 27 Jan

Postby Sarahrs » Sat 27 Jan 2018, 16:52

We’re off to the train station
Posts: 155
Joined: Tue 27 Sep 2016, 21:05

Re: PP: Porthsmouth 27 Jan

Postby Sarahrs » Sat 27 Jan 2018, 17:14

We’re on the 17:19 train to Waterloo from Portsmouth harbour
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Paul Heester
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Joined: Fri 18 Jan 2013, 13:16

Re: PP: Porthsmouth 27 Jan

Postby Paul Heester » Sat 27 Jan 2018, 21:10

Sorry Sarah. I waited for a while at dockyard entrance but was raining so made way to station and caught the 16:29. Enjoyed the day though and we should post some images on the photo sharing section.

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