First up - what is a tag? A tag is a way of telling the forum software that you want to do something special other than enter normal text. For instance you might want to highlight something
in bold to emphasise your point or perhaps
in italics. If you want to split a post into sections sometimes
underlining is also a good option. There are many different things you can do and I'll not cover all in painful detail, but rather I'll show you how you use a tag in general, give a list of what options there are and let you try it for yourselves.
The available BB tags are shown just above the main text box where you type your message. You can see them in a long row -
B i u Quote Code List List= .... and so on.
Using bold as an example, if you click the B button you'll see this appear in your post -
Here's the key point - anything you put between the b square brackets will be shown
in bold.
For example, entering -
Code: Select all
[b]Hello Everyone[/b] my name is David
Will show the Hello Everyone in bold, but "my name is..." in a normal font.
This method applies to ALL the different BB tags we have - you put the text you want between the relevant tags and the formatting is applied to it. You may notice that the tags are slightly different, basically
tells the forum "start making things bold" and
says "stop bold here". If you don't "close" the tags using the [/ ] version, your entire message will come out bold

Here's a summary of what the options are -
B - shows the text in bold
i - shows the text in italics
u - underlines the text
Quote - I'll cover this in a specific Quote guide, but let's you quote other messages so it's clearer what you are replying to/talking about
List - arranges the text so it looks more like a list
List= & List* - I'm not actually sure, I never bother with them

Img - allows you to link to a picture elsewhere on the internet and it will show the picture itself, rather than the link. See the "How to Post an Image" guide
URL - this lets you type an internet address and it will show it as a clickable link to make it easy for navigate to the website you are directing them to
Flash - ignore this one for now.
Normal - this lets you tweak the font size (if you really need to!)
Font Colour - gives you a colour picker so you can colour your message. As a general rule of thumb, be careful with outlandish font colours, some people's eyes are easily offended