How to convert your 550D to infrared

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How to convert your 550D to infrared

Postby davidc » Tue 23 Sep 2014, 07:01

Beware this article contains scenes of camera innards that the squeamish may find disturbing. ... onversion/
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Mike Farley
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Re: How to convert your 550D to infrared

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 23 Sep 2014, 08:46

Interesting article, although some of the mumbo-jumbo is not as entertaining as the author would like to think.

What was not mentioned was adjustment of the AF system, which requires specialist equipment and is necessary due to the different wavelength of infrared light compared to that of the visible spectrum. This would be included in a competent professional infrared conversion. Older manual focus lenses usually have a mark to indicate the IR focussing point to which the focus ring has to turned after setting the initial focus. Either the author is focussing manually or using DOF on wide angle focal lengths to bypass the issue. It's a pity that they do not state what they are doing, but it looks like the latter given the front to back sharpness in the example images.

Mike Farley
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