More Subscription Only Software?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

More Subscription Only Software?

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 10 Sep 2019, 06:56

Camera sales are falling. That is what lay behind my "No More Cameras?" post (link below). It stands to reason that manufacturers will look for alternative sources of income.


Already we have seen Sony charge varying amounts for applications which add new features in many of its cameras, Shortly, Panasonic will be asking video users for £179 to unlock additional features in its S1 cameras. Now there is a suggestion that Canon will release the next version of its Digital Professional Pro Express application for the iPad on a subscription basis. The story is on DPReview, which is normally conservative when it comes to publishing rumours. I cannot recall any which had no factual basis. The desktop version of DPP has a reputation of being the best software released by a camera manufacturer, which is hardly a high bar. It is useful for those who want to reproduce Canon's colour rendering when processing Raw files, but the application is clunky. According to DPReview, the iPad Express version is on a par. ... ption-plan

Mike Farley
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