Psst! Wanna fast lens on the cheap?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Psst! Wanna fast lens on the cheap?

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 28 May 2019, 19:50

Not only that, it is legal as well. I bought the 7artisans 50 f/1.1 Leica M mount lens earlier this year for just over £200 new on eBay. On a digital Leica M, it registers as a Noctilux f/1, which usually sell used for around £4k. According to 7artisans, the actual maximum aperture is f/1.05, not much slower than the current £9k f/0.95 Noctilux. Wide open, it is reasonably sharp with a pleasing softness. By f/2, it has sharpened up and the bokeh is improved as well in some circumstances.

Is the 7artisans as good as a Leica? Don't be silly, of course not. The difference, though, is not nearly as pronounced as the prices suggest. Moreover, the 7artisans renders in its own way and sometimes that is what is wanted rather than the perfection of a Leica lens.

This article on 35mmc reflects my own experiences, although I did not have to recalibrate my lens for rangefinder use. By the looks of it, the 7arisans 28 f/1.4 ersatz Summilux looks equally intriguing. ... remy-rata/

Incidentally, it is not necessary to have a Leica to enjoy these lenses since they can be easily adapted for use on mirrorless cameras (but not DSLRs). However, I would be more cautious about the 28 Summilux since wide-angle rangefinder lenses are less well suited for the purpose. The edges can become a bit soft, especially at wider apertures, but that is not always an issue. Depending on the composition, not every image needs to be sharp edge to edge.

Mike Farley
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