Equipment Servicing and repairs

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Joined: Sat 02 Jul 2016, 15:50

Equipment Servicing and repairs

Postby Robin » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 16:28

Over the years equipment servicing and repairs has become more and more complicated, I don't know if this is why there are less local companies undertaking repairs than there used to be?

I have used a number of companies over the years but found that Fixation in Kennington Lane, London offer a very professional service, whether it's just a sensor clean or major repair to all major makes of camera,lenses and some flash guns

You can either drop the item in by hand, nearest railway station is Vauxhall or send it by post, they offer a free no obligation estimate and usually turn work around in 7 working days.

I have used them a number of times and would recomend them 100%

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Joined: Sat 02 Jul 2016, 15:50

Re: Equipment Servicing and repairs

Postby Robin » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 16:29

Sorry forgot the link!
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Re: Equipment Servicing and repairs

Postby Franke07 » Mon 15 Apr 2019, 17:09

I have a friend who used them some years ago to resolve an issue with her sensor. She highly recommended them for service and expertise. Can't comment on their capability or service.

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