V&A Photography room

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V&A Photography room

Postby waconquy » Wed 17 Oct 2018, 12:37

While I am on here I thought I would mention the V&A. They now have a new photographic room with historical pictures, apart from the one downstairs which they use when there isn't another Exhibition on. Quite a large room and lots of interesting pictures. Its free so worthwhile visiting. They have a formidable amount of interesting photos from the very beginning. You can also probably see the originals in the reading room.

Moderator comment - moved from Outings and Events. Mike
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Photography @ the V&A

Postby Franke07 » Thu 25 Oct 2018, 11:03

The V&A have recently opened a new section dedicated to photography. The V&A have in their collections photographs dating back to 1852. I haven't been yet but def on list for the coming weeks once the half term rush has calmed down,
https://www.vam.ac.uk/blog/news/our-new ... s-now-open

Moderator comment - Merged with Wally's post as both are about the same topic. Mike

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