Content Aware Fill

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Content Aware Fill

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 11 Sep 2018, 08:21

OK, I admit it. I occasionally use Content Aware Fill in Photoshop. Sometimes not everything in the scene has arranged itself exactly as I would wish*. Sometimes I simply screw up when taking a shot. Hard to credit, I know, but it can happen in those all too frustratingly common moments**. ;)

If the correction required was not too complicated, the original Content Aware Fill in Photoshop would get me out of trouble but it was always hit and miss. The application makes its own decisions about the corrections required and does not allow any adjustments to refine the result. According to PetaPixel, that is all about to change in the latest version of Photoshop CC. ... workspace/

* Or often a judge, for that matter. :o

** In reality, photography is about discarding 99% of one's output. Whoever the photographer is.

Mike Farley
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