The Future of Photography?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

The Future of Photography?

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 09 Dec 2017, 09:22

Despite all the advances since the days of Louis Daguerre and Fox Talbot, the underlying principles of photography have not changed. A lens focuses light onto a light sensitive medium. True, the lenses have become ever more sophisticated and film has given way to digital sensors but those are essentially developments of the original idea.

Computational photography, where the final photo is a composite of several images taken simultaneously at different focal lengths in camera is quite possibly where we are heading. Not only that, but such a camera exists and can be purchased with actual money. It is called the Light L16. Reviews from the usual sources have been thin on the ground since the first production models became available earlier this year. Imaging Resource has been trying to get hold of one for a while, but the manufacturer is proving uncooperative. Which should tell you something.

For those interested in what might lie ahead, this is the first review which I have seen. Computational photography might well be the future and the article offers a glimpse, but is it yet ready to earn its place in our camera bags? Or is it heading the way of the ill fated Lytro field camera, which was another vision for the future. ... braindead/

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: The Future of Photography?

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 01 Mar 2018, 08:36

I have now seen a second review of the L16 which was conducted by Imaging Resource. As noted in my earlier post, IR had not been able to obtain a review copy and had to rely on a loan from someone who had actually bought one. Given the number of websites which eagerly test new cameras and the paucity of reviews available,it seems that Light has been unwilling to cooperate with any reviewers. Maybe that is just another facet of Light's different approach? Most manufacturers are keen to get their products out there.

The results of the in depth review by Imaging Resource do not come as any surprise and are in line with the earlier report. The underlying technology might be clever and innovative, but it is not yet ready. If it can be made to work, more development will be necessary. It is too soon to know if computational photography is an invention which will end up being revolutionary or will be one which did not catch on. Much will depend on the extent of the financial backing available to Light or the willingness of a larger player to step in. The link to the IR review is below. ... t-l16A.HTM

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: The Future of Photography?

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 21 Jul 2018, 08:38

Light, the company behind the L16, has just received a new round of funding to the tune of $121m. One of the investors is Leica. A rather sniffy report at Imaging Resource reckons that those involved might have wasted their money, given the L16's lacklustre performance. I am intrigued as to what Light had to offer which made such a large investment worthwhile. Time will tell. ... ther-121mm

Mike Farley
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