Hi folks,
For those like me who use a Nikon EN-EL15 battery there's a re-call notice out due to potential shorting risk. See http://www.diyphotography.net/nikon-recalls-popular-batteries-potential-heating-melting-issues/ dated today.
I wouldn't panic, according to the article there's only been 7 cases worldwide to-date and does not apply to those batteries provided with the camera. It's specific to a set of batteries first distributed in March 2012. it also seems to be referring to a long-standing recall notice Europe-wise, albeit one that some of us users where unaware of. The European notice the article quoted is a 2016 alert. See https://www.nikonimgsupport.com/eu/BV_article?articleNo=000006311&sitecode=en_GB&ctry=GB&lang=en_GB while the quoted notice on the US site much more recent; http://www.nikonusa.com/en/service-and-support/service-advisories/h0ndzaip/EN-EL15-Rechargeable-Li-ion-Battery-Pack-Recall.html
Also came across this too, https://www.photo.net/discuss/threads/nikon-en-el15-battery-exchange-program.511254/.
Seems there's been more issues with the older batteries than I'd realised. Lithium battery problems aren't new of course and certainly not specific to Nikon.
Nikon EL-15 Battery - Voluntary recall
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