Copyright Protection

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Copyright Protection

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 27 May 2017, 08:43

There is a new platform for registering image copyright. The good news is that the basic service, which monitors image usage, is free. It is still early days, but the company says that it will introduce chargeable services in the future. Presumably that will include features such as DCMA takedown notices and income recovery. ... t-platform

Pixsy already offers something similar and seeing this reminded me that I had not heard from them in several months. I have never been entirely certain about Pixsy, especially after the April Fool debacle in 2016. E-mail contact was always intermittent, which does not inspire much confidence. According to my account details, I should receive a weekly summary. Pixsy changed something along the way, as I had set the interval to monthly a while back.

Mike Farley
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Re: Copyright Protection

Postby Rose » Sat 27 May 2017, 14:05

This is probably more useful for US photographers. Copyright arises automatically in the UK so we don't need to register anything anywhere to have it protected in law. Services such as this also claim to be able to locate images which have been reproduced in breach of copyright, but like you, I've had no success with Pixsy. The few they identified as being potentially illegal copies are either in countries they have no agreement with or they simply said following them up was 'not viable'.

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