Canon and Nikon Full Frame Mirrorless?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Canon and Nikon Full Frame Mirrorless?

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 19 May 2017, 08:54

According to Thom Hogan, who is quoting Canon Rumours, Canon will have a full frame mirrorless camera next year. It is likely that Nikon will follow suit. How will those companies solve the problem of transitioning their customers who have invested in lenses for their current EF and F mounts? Simple, they will continue with the new models. For the manufacturers, it means continued lock-in of existing customers and reduced production costs. Mirrorless cameras have fewer moving parts which simplifies construction. Against that, since DSLR lens design has to take account of the mirror box, the cameras will not be as compact as they could be. That is due to the distance between the lens mount flange and sensor will not change.

There is already a mirrorless full frame system on the market from Sony. While the bodies are smaller than full frame DSLRs, the size and weight of the lenses appear to be similar to their DSLR counterparts. For those seeking smaller and lighter equipment, mirrorless systems with crop sensors are the only real option. Should Canon and Nikon adopt a strategy which involves continuation of their existing, maybe that will not be the disadvantage it first seems? ... on-is.html

Mike Farley
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