Nikon D5 Shock

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Mike Farley
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Nikon D5 Shock

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 29 Mar 2016, 09:16

DPReview reports that the new Nikon D5 has a lower dynamic range at base ISO than any other Nikon full frame camera. Worse, it performs more like a Canon 6D. While the forumati might think they have been given grist for their mills, although DPReview goes to some length to scupper their inane discussions, it is due to the trade-off which allows the D5 to get usable results at higher ISOs. ... amic-range

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Re: Nikon D5 Shock

Postby davidc » Tue 29 Mar 2016, 14:11

Not sure what you mean by "worse, it performs like a 6D"?
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Mike Farley
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Re: Nikon D5 Shock

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 29 Mar 2016, 14:22

davidc wrote:Not sure what you mean by "worse, it performs like a 6D"?

Well, it was a tongue in cheek comment, along with the rest of what I wrote. If you have read the DPReview article, you will know that the D5's low ISO performance was assessed as being around the same sort of level as the 6D. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but there are other full frame Nikons which do better against that particular criterion.

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Re: Nikon D5 Shock

Postby davidc » Wed 30 Mar 2016, 02:52

I don't like DPReview's writing/opinions so usually stick to the picutres and make my own mind up - comparing the D5 to the 6D the 6D looked clearly better to me at lower ISOs.
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Mike Farley
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Re: Nikon D5 Shock

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 30 Mar 2016, 07:54

davidc wrote:I don't like DPReview's writing/opinions so usually stick to the picutres and make my own mind up - comparing the D5 to the 6D the 6D looked clearly better to me at lower ISOs.

DPReview was only looking at one aspect of the sensor's performance - dynamic range at base ISO where Nikon normally betters Canon. That does not mean Nikon is superior in every regard and the fact that Canon ousells them suggests many people take the same approach as you.

Mike Farley
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