Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Iggy » Wed 26 Aug 2015, 19:22

Sent images to ProAm for printing by up loading to their website early this afternoon. Images went across from laptop on wifi without a hitch and took less than 15 mins to transmit. Easier than preparing & posting a CD to ProAm which is their other option, with wifi offering a quicker return of the prints. ProAm confirmed by email that they had received my zipped folders prepared according to their preparation list. They are also very helpful on the phone if required.

What took the time was preparing the images initially and then converting the chosen ones to ProAm standards in Photoshop that included saving at 402 dpi, quality 8 and also setting each image in Fuji_DP2_ProAm.icm under Edit, Convert to Profile, & then Destination Space. Previously Fuji_DP2_proam.icm profile from ProAm's Organize your .zip File page was downloaded.

For those who haven't done it before, It is not at all difficult. Very easy in fact.

Fedex was £11, but with the number of prints I wanted printed, it cost less than a £1 a print all inclusive (12x8, 12x9 & 12x12 inches).

It is quite possible that I will get the prints back on Friday!
Should be interesting.

Ordered the mount card from Mike yesterday.
So almost ready to go on CCC Print Competitions, bar the frame cutting equipment that I need to get in soon.

PS: ProAm support Croydon Camera Club by advertising in CCC literature, so it was suggested that I support them.
Mike Farley
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 27 Aug 2015, 10:38

Iggy wrote:What took the time was preparing the images initially and then converting the chosen ones to ProAm standards in Photoshop that included saving at 402 dpi, quality 8 and also setting each image in Fuji_DP2_ProAm.icm under Edit, Convert to Profile, & then Destination Space.

Iggy, and anyone else who uses ProAm's service, Lightroom's Export function can be set up to do all this and once all the settings have been specified they can be saved as a preset. It avoids the hassle of doing it image by image in Photoshop.

Mike Farley
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Iggy » Thu 27 Aug 2015, 12:56

AMAZING SERVICE from PROAM. - Fedex have just delivered the photos back that I sent yesterday afternoon.
No time to check photos right now as I am on the way to the dump as house clearance continues with a vengeance!

Thanks Mike for the info on LightRoom. I better buy LightRoom at PCWorld for the amazing price one payment for lifetime use for just £109 that is still available! :lol:

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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Iggy » Sun 30 Aug 2015, 11:17

I was happy with most of the printed images I got back.
On these large 12 inch prints, one can see more of the blemishes that need dealing with before sending off.
So next time, I will view all parts of the image on screen at 100% size before sending off.
Learning as I go along.

I will be happy to bring my laptop along to the coming CCC meeting on the 2 Sept to show anyone who has not ordered prints from ProAm before, how easy it is to do. One does need to register with ProAm the day before ordering prints.
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Iggy » Thu 03 Sep 2015, 09:08


ProAm Imaging is the only photofinisher ever to have been voted SWPP 'Best Professional Lab' for 4 years running - and now until the end of October you can get an E X T R A 25% O F F
when ordering £25 worth or more of our award-winning gloss or lustre Fuji Crystal Archive DP2 colour managed Silver Halide prints.
USE CODE Autumn15 UNTIL 31/10/15

Might try some larger images this time!
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Iggy » Thu 17 Sep 2015, 10:34

It was wonderful to see such a big entry to the Monochrome Competition for the Bamber Trophy, including from some long term members who had never previously entered any print competitions. Apparently all my chat on the forum about how easy it was to get prints from ProAm and preparing the mounting encouraged them to enter. Entry was from Standard, Intermediate and Advanced classes all in open completion with each other.

Steve Lawrenson ARPS APAGB, the judge explained at the outset that he realised that each image was special to the photographer who might even have an emotional attachment to it as well. All he could do though was to cast his experienced critical eye on each image and try to offer encouraging critique where that was needed and to be fair in his judgement.

I didn’t do well in this competition, but the critique that was offered was fair and which in fact I had noticed myself and was hoping that the judge might miss. No so luck! However, I did learn a lot from this exercise not only from the critique of my images but also of all the other images. For me it is a learning process and I will continue to enter all print completions. Apart from anything else, it is also great fun too!

The overall well deserved winner with his three images was Bill Gray who was awarded the Bamber Trophy.

Can I implore the CCC committee to please have all the wonderful, high scoring Monochrome images on the website for all CCC members to enjoy at leisure and to learn from and also to show off our Croydon Camera Club to the public at large.

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Paul Heester
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Paul Heester » Thu 17 Sep 2015, 15:04

Iggy wrote:Can I implore the CCC committee to please have all the wonderful, high scoring Monochrome images on the website for all CCC members to enjoy at leisure and to learn from and also to show off our Croydon Camera Club to the public at large.

I believe this has been requested before but relies on members submitting the relevant DPIs to add onto the site. I would suspect this would add further workload in maintaining the site and chasing people for images etc.
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby davidb » Thu 17 Sep 2015, 18:04

Paul is correct in his assumptions. It does require the members who were awarded ten or more points to submit their files (to the ccc email address) for inclusion. I don't think Ashley would complain (too much!).

I had brought along a memory stick with my images but, unfortunately, it wasn't needed!! :x

David A Beard.
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Peter Boughton
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby Peter Boughton » Thu 17 Sep 2015, 22:34

Irrespective of any judges opinion, club members are always welcome to submit images - any images - to Ashley for display in the Club Members' Galleries.

This is entirely independent from the Club Competition Galleries, (where images awarded merits in competitions are displayed).
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Re: Monochrome Print Competition - 16 Sept 2015

Postby GrahamL » Mon 21 Sep 2015, 12:26

Happy to post the image I submitted from last week that scraped in to the 10 group, what format size does Ashley prefer? Is 500 pixel (long-side) ok or is 1024 pixel (as in the forums) preferred?



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